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Camila Pov

Here I am patiently waiting on a text from Tanner. This is ok right? Gosh now I'm some clinging girlfriend.

"Hey Camz can we talk?" I hear Lauren ask.

"Oh sure of course."

We walk into a seperate room.

"So overall I'm okay with you and Tanner," She starts "But listen. He's very sensitive. Especially when you bring up his past. Be very careful about what you say around him. I see the way he looks at you. He loves you a hell lot."

I laugh a little. "Okay Lolo."

I turn to walk away, but she grabs my wrist. "I'm serious Camila. Please don't hurt him. He doesn't deserve it."

She really thinks I'll hurt him. "Don't worry I won't leave him like you did."

Her face hardens and she balls up her hands. "What did he tell you?"

"He only said that he was there for you always, but then you left for X Factor and his parents died. You didn't even call or text!"

"Because we almost made it! I was looking out for the group!" she protests.

"No Lauren you were looking out for yourself." and I storm off.

"I knew it! I knew he was gonna change you." I hear her yell behind me.

Tears start to run down my face but I quickly ignore them.

I suddenly get a text from Tanner. He sent me a picture from the photoshoot. 

Tanner: Here's a sneak peak of the photoshoot.

I smile big and reply

Camila: I would probably look better but not too bad.

Tanner: This is true. oh I'm being called go. Text me later

And that was it.

It was 3 hours before Tanner came back. Everything that Lauren had said is still in my brain.

"Hey babe." he says as he hugs me, "I'm so tired."

We heard a knock on the bus door and I open it to see a nervous Simon Cowell with two policemen standing behind him.

"Camila, darling, could you get Tanner please?" he asks.

"Yeah what's up?" Tanner says as he comes up behind me.

"We need to talk to you, privately," one of the cops say.

"Uh okay." he gives me a nervous look.

He walks out and Simon comes in. He tries to comfort me as a million scenarios run through my mind. It's 45 minutes before Tanner comes back in.

His head is down and he's not talking.

"Hey what-"

He cuts me off "I'm uh gonna go to bed." he says in the most monotone and depressed voice.

I decided to give him some space because whatever happened seems to have a huge impact on him right now. I give him a hour before I try to talk.

"Tanner please talk to me."

"He's dead Camila. He's dead." he says with a crack in his voice. he just keeps in repeating "he's dead, he's dead." as he cries.

I pull him into my arms and he just keeps on crying.

"Tanner who was it?"

"My brother, Cole, he's dead. Camila he's dead!"

"What about your other brother?" I remember him saying something about the three of them.

"Missing. Oh God he's probably dead too!" He starts crying again.

He balls his fist up.

"I should've seent his coming. They always gamble and drink. They probaby got way in over thier heads." He stands up. "This is their fault!" He yells as he punches the wall, creating a hole.

"Oh shit." he mumbles under breath. He tries to cover it up with a picture but that doesn't do to well.

I glance down at his gushing knuckles and grab his arm. He quickly pulls away. "Don't touch me...I'm gonna hurt you. I don't want that."

I look into his emeral eyes and see pain. so much pain. He starts crying again and falls into me.

I give him all the comfort I can.

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