Chapter 1

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Hi, this is my first story, it can be a lot of mistakes because I translate it from my native language using an online translator, after I apologize. Let me know if you like it or not, if you like it, I'll also take your suggestions about history.

I am not the owner of Warcraft or Middle Earth Shadow Of War which will be a small item.

Chapter 1

7.30 Time to get up I think it would be nice to still lie down but I have to get up to work. I find it difficult to get up from bed. I arrange bed linen to make it look somehow, then I go to the wardrobe I take out a black shirt with the logo of the company in which works next to jeans is a pair of socks and a belt.

Leaving my clothes on the bed linen I go to the kitchen and make strong tea, I never liked coffee, I was always afraid of my belly. Then I prepare the toast.

After breakfast I put the dirty dishes in the sink and go to the bathroom and then I start brushing my teeth, then some deodorant. Afterwards I look in the mirror and my reflection, short brown hair, circled green eyes and slim face. I have a swimmer's body and I often go to the swimming pool and gym if time allows.

After all the activities I stand dressed with my jacket in my hand and look out of the window and then on the watch 8.12. I have to go to the swimming pool and gym.

The routine is getting tired of me, day in and day out, 5 days a week I go to work and more and more I'm starting to like it less and less.. I wonder how I will live to see my retirement, even changing it doesn't give anything, it's monotonous I feel like I'm losing more and more time in my life.

Plus, college at the weekend sucks.

Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to cut yourself off from the real world and feel really watery. It would be really nice.

The only thing I don't complain about is the distance I have to make to get to a prison called work. I just have to cross the street a few times and I'm at my destination... again.

Today is an extremely nasty day I will send you "Can't something good happen to me at least once". Last week I failed my math exam. And today I have to go to work again and then in such weather, "whether to take an umbrella or maybe to drive a car and then look for a free parking space".

A moment of reflection and "no" I took an umbrella, and I'll get wet anyway, I have to have something to pay for my studies. Sighing, I walked to the door. When I went down the stairs I checked the mailbox "advertisement blah blah blah blah blah, all rubbish".

Going outside it not only rains but also is very cold "how nice". I put the umbrella down and start to quote an amazing journey to the electronics store. "The next day I'll have to deal with intrusive customers."

I sometimes wonder why people don't know what they want and bother you with irritating questions and finally don't buy it anyway.

Even though I have an umbrella, I feel like I have wet kennels "great!

As I walk on the sidewalk, I think I shouldn't give up this evening and instead of studying for the amendment I should go to the bar with my colleagues "maybe?

After 15 minutes I'm at my destination and go through the back door to meet my manager Sarah. She is a bit plump and has brown hair to her shoulders. The positive person is slightly older than I am 29 years old and I am 22 years old. It's no wonder she's the most competent manager of all employees, always on time.

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