Chapter 2

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The moon has already finished its journey on this side of the globe, the rays of light were already appearing on the horizon. The campfire has long since burned out, and despite the lack of sleep, he feels very well. It was already bright enough to move around and find a civilization.

I've been keeping Albion close to me all night, you never know when I'll be attacked and drake would be a nice support. Getting up from a fallen tree I decided to set off on my way. There was enough light to move freely. I could use my mount and quickly locate the nearest settlement, but I wanted to test my skills in practice.

I decided to locate the nearest settlement from the air, but I will get there on foot, who knows, maybe I will meet something on the way to the slaughter. I was a bit afraid I never flew an airplane and especially such a creature, finally I gathered courage, sat comfortably on the saddle and grabbed the reins.

In a subtle gesture I pulled the reins to fly upwards. The animal understood my intentions well and how the lightning fired up. My body was tense because of the sudden shooting at the sky. When I was high up in the air, I noticed that the forest was quite vast, but fortunately I was not far from its laymen. Finally I saw the road and the smoke coming out of the fireplaces, where I think there is a village.

I decided that it was enough to admire the views and it was time to set off on the road. First I decided to find the road I saw from the air. Knowing the terrain probably won't hurt me. After returning to my camp I checked if I left anything and headed towards the road I had observed.

The forest was so dense that it would be very difficult to drive through it on horseback, there were branches protruding from trees, shrubs growing close to each other, the park in my city does not wash away to the place that surrounds me. Here nature lives its own life. Several times I even managed to observe flocks of roe deer, which only when they observed me immediately ran away.

Moving on in my chosen direction, my instincts started to sound the alarm, then I stopped and started scanning the area, I didn't see anything within my sight, then my eyes fell to the ground and my attention was drawn to unnaturally arranged branches with leaves in one place.

The first thing I did was I approached the place, squatted and started scanning the spread branches, I wanted to grab my hand to take a closer look at what was underneath but my instincts were burning to warn me not to do it. Taking a lonely stick that was lying on the ground, I raised the branches slightly.

My eyes saw a metal device with a flat plate in the middle and two jaws full of large sharp teeth, I realized that it must be some kind of a trap set by a hunter. With a slow motion I lowered the spread branches and decided to avoid the trap with a wide arch. Judging by its size, it was not intended for deer or roe deer, but probably for bears.

I promised myself that I would never doubt my sense, I could lose my leg and bleed to death on the spot it would not be a nice feeling, I was not ready to die yet. In the forest, apart from the sound of my feet, one can hear all nature around me, from the sound of the wind moving the leaves of trees to the sounds of various birds flying and sitting on trees, nature lives here not like in urban parks.

Along the way I met a small stream of curiosity and approached it, the water was clear enough to see my reflection. The front of my mask was clearly visible, trying to test if I could feel the taste, I took off my hood and then the mask. What came to my attention, my normal green was replaced by flames raging inside them. I couldn't understand how it happened, but the goddess certainly had her fingers in it.

It didn't look bad, but it will surely attract people's eyes when they see me, I could immediately say that it was because of the magic that people will believe me in, another feature I had was the color of my face or rather its absence and then I say "I think sometimes I will have to take off the hood and mask". I didn't look undead yet and preferred to avoid it in the light of the future or present timeline.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2019 ⏰

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