Imagine Loki "Cheating" On You With Amora

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You happily walked down the corridor, a rose in your hand that Loki had given you. What you saw next, made you die inside. Loki was with another women. She had long blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes. Amora. That was her name. You watched Loki lean in to kiss her. "Loki!" A voice from behind you shouted causing Loki to flinch.  Frigga ran up to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you began to cry. Loki pushed against Amora's shoulders making her stumble backwards. You pulled the green ring off your finger and threw it to the ground along with the rose. Frigga escorted you back to your chambers. Tears streaming down your face. She shut the door behind her then pulled back the blankets on your bed. "Lay down" she said in a soft, compassionate voice. You did as you were told and laid down brining the blankets up and over your face. You felt Frigga sit on the bed and begin to rub your back. You wailed loudly into your pillow.

      Days had passed, and Loki has not yet come to see you; which broke your heart even more.  "Darling?" You hear Loki say on the other side of the door. You didn't respond. "Darling, I know you're in there." He stated trying to open the door. "We must talk, please open the door" he begged, the sadness and pain in his voice evident as if he has been crying for ages. You moan then push yourself out of bed and head to the door. You open it a see Loki. His face contorted with pain, his eyes bloodshot and tear stains under them. "Yes?" You Say. "May I come in?" He inquires. You open the door wider and let him in. "Let me explain." He stated, his voice cracking. "Amora, do you know what people call her?" He inquired gazing at you. "No" you mumble. "She is the enchantress." He said. Your eyes widen, "Loki-I-I am so sorry for running" you say realizing that he was under a spell and you had no right to be angry at him. "You don't need to apologize" he said. "I should have never talked to her in the first place." Loki said looking down. "Why were you talking to her?" You inquire becoming slightly suspicious. "Odin-he wanted" Loki said noticing that this was all Odin's plan. "Oh that fool!" He exclaimed standing up and clenching his fists. "Loki-"

"Sweet mother of Odin!" He shouted to the ceiling. "Loki!" You exclaim. "We can deal with him later-" "no! He must pay for what he has done." Loki said his voice becoming much quieter now. You grabbed hold of his hand, "please, don't do it tonight. For me, let's go to one of those waterfalls you tell me about." You suggest lifting your eyebrows. Loki closes his eyes and takes a deep breath; then exhales. "Okay" he said reopening them. He wrapped an arm around your waste then proceeded to take you to one of the many waterfalls that you have dreamed of seeing.

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