Imagine Loki When You Almost Die

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Loki's hand gripped your own. He bit his bottom lip out of anxiety and fear. "Please, tell me this isn't real." Loki pleaded, his voice cracking as a tear left his eye. "I-I can't loose you...I can't loose you..." Loki whimpered, his puffy eyes looking up into yours. "Loki, I can't do anything about it." You mumbled, leaning your forehead against Loki's. "My-my heart is failing..." You muttered. "Please, don't say those words." Loki responded, almost harshly but soon calmed down. Loki then buried his face in the crook of your neck and began to violently sob. You dragged your fingers through his raven black hair and rubbed his back. You rested your chin on Loki's shoulder, which was shaking. You could feel his uneven breath on your back. "Loki, please, don't be scared." You softly whispered into his ear. "I'm going to miss this so much!" Loki exclaimed, pulling away. "I'm going to miss the way you hold my hand when I am down, when you comfort me when I'm scared; and-and when you always stay with me, no matter the circumstances!" Loki exclaimed, smiling at the memories as more tears fell. "That's why we are spending this last month together. Just you and me, until the very end."
Loki stated firmly, cupping both your cheeks. He kissed your forehead, lingering until it was time to pull away.
You nodded your head quickly, closing your eyes and inhaling deeply. Loki pressed his cold lips on your own. He pulled away and embraced you, as if he never wanted to let go. Three weeks had passed, your heart failed more and more every day; forcing you to stay in bed most of the day. Your pale, your eyes barely able to stay open. Loki slept next to you. Within the last three weeks, you and Loki had wedded. Your breathing became shallow, you felt your heartbeat slow its pace. "This is it" you breathed, adverting your gaze to Loki. "I love you, darling." You mumbled, leaning over and kissing his forehead. Loki moaned, his eyes opening to see you laying on your stomach; almost lifeless. "Y/n?" Loki said quietly, placing a hand on your back. "Y/n!" He shouted sitting up and pulled your body on his lap. Loki felt for your pulse, it was faint. But, it was there, and that's all he needed to know. "Please...please, stay alive." Loki muttered getting out of bed and carrying you with him. Loki rushed outside, rain poured from the sky. "Heimdal! Please! I know I was banished, but please!" Loki shouted at the sky. Nothing. "Take her! Save her life! Don't let her leave this world yet..." Loki shouted, much louder this time. Again, nothing. Loki fell to the ground and felt for your pulse again. It was still there, but slower. "Heimdal, please!" Loki called out, looking to the sky. You heard him, crying out yours and Heimdal's names. But what surprised you most, was when Loki called out his adoptive fathers name. "Odin! Father, I need you!" Loki shrieked, his voice hoarse from yelling. Suddenly, light flashed before your eyes, then darkness consumed you. A hand grasped your own, tightly. You felt ragged breathing on your hand as well. Your eyes opened, Loki sat on a chair next to your bed. His eyes were closed, both his hands held your own to his lips, with his elbows resting on the bed. "Hello, darling." You breathed, not able to be louder due to the lack of water. Loki opened his eyes, and adverted his gaze to you. He smiled, "you're safe now, you're in Asgard. The Healers restored your heart, darling." Loki crooned happily. You grinned, unable to contain your excitement. You wanted to shout for joy, but your mouth refused you to do so. "Water" you breathed, smiling. Loki reached behind him and grabbed a glass of water. He placed it to your mouth. You drunk it speedily, desperate for rehydration. Taking it away, Loki leaned down and kissed you. He pulled away and cleared his throat. "There's one more thing I must tell you..." Loki began. You pushed your self up, "what is it?" You inquired eagerly. "During the time the Healers were restoring your heart, you died for five minutes," Loki gulped, "but, the Healers turned you immortal to save you. Darling, we can spend thousands of years together now." Loki said, the excitement in the tone of his voice rising. "Oh Loki!" You exclaimed embracing him, "I never thought this day would come!" Loki nudged his nose against your own, "I love you, darling." he crooned. "And I love you" you responded.

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