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Your P.O.V

"See you later." Garroth said pecking me on the lips and running off to catch up with Laurance as they headed to first hour. I walked with Katelyn into the school and parted ways with her as we passed my locker. I reached to the bottom of my locker grabbing both mine and Katelyn's Literacy books.

"Need a hand." Asked a voice from behind me.

"Not from you." I said after turning and seeing that it was Gene who stood beside me.

"Ok then I need something from you." Gene said not breaking eye contact with me.

"What could you possibly need from me." I asked turning to walk away from the conversation.

"You need to end things with Garroth." He said making no effort to stop me but it didn't matter because I stopped walking.

"And why would I do that." I asked turning around to face him.

"Because if you don't every person in the school is gonna get a text that won't exactly make them love Garroth."

"Your bluffing," I said quickly, "you don't have anything on him." I said.

"Do I." He asked flipping his phone up in front of my face as if he knew he would have to show me. I took a step back not wanting the bright screen so close to my face. My eyes settled on the screen but I looked away and slapped his hand out of my face when I saw what it was.

"That's not Garroth's." I said not daring to look back at Gene.

"Maybe, maybe not it doesn't matter what you think. Everyone else in this school knows he has girls all over him. Who wouldn't send a few dick pic's." Gene said tapping his finger against the locker next to him.

"Garroth wouldn't that's who." I said hearing the bell ring as I finished my sentence.

"It's your choice you have until the end of today or I'm sending it out." He said turning and walking away from me. I stood there for a moment not knowing what to do.

"Class," I mumbled "I have to get to class."

Walking through to door of the classroom I was hit with a blast of relief when I saw the teacher wasn't there yet.

"Where have you been." Katelyn asked even though the bell rang less then a minute ago.

"I had to use the bathroom." I lied.


It seemed like through all my classes I didn't listen, instead I got caught in my own web of thoughts.

That couldn't have been Garroth. He would never do something like that. So I should just tell him what's going. He wouldn't care. But what if it was his picture that Gene somehow got his hands on. Then if I don't stop Gene from sending it then It'd kill Garroth. Even if it isn't him I'm the only one that knows it isn't so it'd still kill his reputation. They wouldn't kick him out of school. Right?

The sound of the bell knocked me out of my thoughts and I stood up gathering my things and then heading to lunch.

I sat down next to Garroth regardless of my thoughts. I looked at him as he talked to Laurance. He would never. I know him. I absolutely know he wouldn't. I looked away from him quickly when he glanced over at me.

"What." Garroth asked smirking at me.

"Nothing"  I said not letting myself look him in the eyes. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and pulled my closer to him, kissing my cheek multiple times.

"Stop." I laughed pushing him away from me but then regretting it and wrapping my arms around his waist and holding my head to his chest.


I walked around with Garroth during P.E letting him do most of the talking. Which isn't always the easiest because of how nervous he can get. Garroth asked me once if I felt ok, I told him yes and he dropped the subject.

The bell ringing is normally a relief. But is it really, I don't know what to do yet. How am I supposed to tell him.

"What are you doing tonight." Katelyn asked me as we slipped through the door of the locker room.

"I don't know." I said

"Do you wanna come over tonight." Katelyn asked as she slipped her normal day shirt on over her head.

"I don't know I have homework." I lied.

"Really? What class."  Katelyn asked.

"Science." I said not wanting to be questioned any longer. I walked out of the locker room without her, but walked down the hallway with Garroth.

When I said nothing Garroth felt the need to speak. "Are you sure you feel ok, you've been quiet today."

"I'm fine." I said keeping my head down.

"Is it a girl thing, because I'll stop asking you about it if that's it." Garroth said. I knew without looking up at him that he was blushing.

I sighed. "I think it might be better if we were just friends." I said finally looking up at him.

"W-what, why." He asked taking a step away from me as if my words had just stabbed him.

"It's hard to explain." I said tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"It's fine," He mumbled not able to find words, "I get it." He staggered to the side and then walked back from the direction we came. I regretted my decision as I watched him walk away from me.

"Why didn't I just tell him." I mumbled as I pushed the door to the outside world open. Wind hit my face making tears run down my cheeks as I walked in the direction of Marcus's car. I walked faster as I got closer and brushed the tears off my cheeks with my fingers. I turned my face away from Marcus as I got into the car.

"Why do you always take so long- what's wrong." Marcus asked noticing that something was wrong even though I tried not to show it.

"Nothing." I lied my lip almost shaking and tears streaming down my face now.

"Was it something that guy did." Marcus asked referring to Garroth.

"No, " I mumbled  "it was something I did." Marcus stared at me waiting for an answer.

"I broke up with him." I said burying my face in hy palm.

"What," Marcus asked surprised, "I thought you liked him."

"Why do you care you don't want me to have a boyfriend." I said.

"But you were happy," He said shocked, "why would you do that."

"It doesn't matter just drive home." I half yelled.

*Please Read*

I know this chapter was kind of short but, I have a question that I'd really appreciate if you guys could answer. First off I have some chapters that aren't exactly needed for the story line. I write them because they are good moments between Garroth and Y/N that I feel the story should have. But my question is do you like those kinds of chapters. I feel like because they are less relevant people like them less.

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