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Your P.O.V

"Come on breathing exercises." Cadenza snapped, flapping her hands as she heavily breathed in and out so fast that she was probably hyperventilating.

"I'm not doing that," I laughed and took a step back," you look like an idiot.

"Come on you don't think it'll work." Cadenza said letting her previously flapping arms fall to her sides and her shoulders fall.

"I think, you came up to me and started breathing like a psychopath to try to make me feel better." I laughed again.

"You don't think I do breathing exercises when I get nervous and have to do stunts." Cadenza asked. She pouted for no reason because we both know she doesn't.

"Stunts and softball are different. Besides I've never seen you breathing, like that, before you do any flips or anything." I said.

"It's for good luck." Cadenza pouted giving me her biggest puppy eyes.

"Well I don't think it'll bring me much luck, but I appreciate it." I said.

"What about a good luck kiss." Garroth put his hand a little lower on my waist then he intended but pulled my close to him regardless. He pressed his lips to mine for only a second before pulling away. I stared into his eyes, my mouth hanging open slightly, not knowing what to say.

"Ew, don't do that in front of me." Katelyn said her voice monotone as she walked past Garroth and towards the bleachers.

"I don't really see why you feel the need to tell me that whenever I touch Y/N." Garroth said his voice playful with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"Your hands were getting pretty low there Garroth." Katelyn said as she sat down in the bleachers, now she was smirking as well.

"Touche." Garroth said removing his arm from around me and turning to face me. I turned my back to him as I herd my coach yelling for all of us to come to the dugout.

"Gotta go," I said turning back to face him, "thanks for coming." I said before turning myself around and running through the dugout door.

I squeezed myself in between Ellie and another girl and listened to coach give her pep talk before she was obligated to talk to the umpires. Ellie elbowed me in the side.

"Maybe you'd be less distracted if you didn't have a pre game make out session." Ellie said.

"Garroth doesn't distract me." I said more snobby then I meant to, "I was just nervous last game, that's all."

"Alright." Ellie sighed sounding more annoyed then she probably is.


Ellie tackled me into the grass with enough force to give us both concussions as I fell on my back with her on top of me. We both laughed as Ellie sat up but then continued to roll around in the grass, the knees of her sliding pants turning dark green.
Our coach glared at Ellie as she approached us but didn't stop her from her frantic rolling.

I had been sure that the Falcons would have been a good team considering they made it all the way to regional finals. It was easy to get rid of my nerves when we were ahead by 5 in the first inning. The game ended 1-9, we all cheered even though we knew we were going to win the whole time. Everyone around me began standing up putting their hands together in the middle of the circle. We chanted before our coach could get her last words out and before she could stop us everyone was running back to the dugout.

Garroth wrapped his arm around my shoulders, his hand dodging my bat and my bag that was stuck to my back.

"Good job." He mumbled as he lowered his head to kiss me on the cheek. I turned my head to look around but still letting him kiss me.
I saw no more familiar faces, not Marcus or Mom and Dad who I had both told about the game.

"Do you want a ride?" Garroth asked but I was still looking away from him.

"Sure." I said.

"Are you ok?" Garroth asked, I looked at him in response.

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"You never accept my offers to give you a ride." Garroth said but he was only half smiling.

I shrugged. "Can we go?" I asked. Garroth removed his arm from around my shoulders and looked down at me.

"Yeah." Garroth said quietly as if he felt bad.


"Let me leave." I laughed even though I made no effort to get Garroth's lips off of mine. He had pushed up the center console in between the passenger seat and drivers seat in order to get his body next to mine.

"I'm not stopping you." Garroth smiled as he pulled his lips less than an inch away from mine but then continued to kiss my smile.

He pulled away and leaned all the way back removing his body heat from me and giving me the chills. Garroth's cheeks quickly got redder as he looked away from me. Garroth glanced out the window that the back of my head had been pressed to. I turned my head seeing the lights on my porch repeatedly being turned on and off.

"Marcus." I said rolling my eyes, "I'll text you later." I pecked him on the lips and opened the door behind me before running up my driveway to my front door.

"Oh" My voice was low as I closed my front door behind me, "hey Mom."

"Were you having sex." Marcus, who was standing to my side next to the light switch, asked.

"What no." I said shocked, "we were just kissing." I said quietly knowing my mother was a few feet away from me in the kitchen. "Why are you home." I asked turning away from Marcus.

"I tried to make it home for your game tonight but I got stuck in traffic. But I'll be here for your sectional game, because you won right." Mom said her eyebrows going up creating wrinkles on her forehead.

"Yeah we won." I said taking my bag and setting it down behind the couch. "Sectionals is next Thursday."

"Y/N has a boyfriend." Marcus said although he had most likely already told our mom.

"And he makes her cry." Marcus added when he got a reaction out of no one.

"Does not." I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"Does too." Marcus argued.

"What about your friend Katelyn." Mom asked ignoring Marcus, "you hang out with her?" Mom had talked to Katelyn over the phone a few times and I've told her stories but she hasn't gotten the chance to meet her.

"Yeah." I responded, "and her friends."

"So that's how you met this boy." I nodded in response. "What's he look like."

"Can we not talk about this right now." I asked. Mom looked at me concerned but nodded anyway.

I walked up to my room with Marcus following behind me. "Why would you tell Mom that Garroth makes me cry." I asked as Marcus entered my room behind me.

"Because he does," Marcus said, "and that's not good."

"Garroth doesn't make me cry, you don't know what was going on then so you can't say that." I said starting to get angry about what he had said.

"Ok fine." Marcus said holding his hands up and giving up the argument only because he knew I was mad at him.

A real CATCH (Garroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now