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Malfoy sat in front of his room he searched for his wand but couldn't remember where he had put it so he just broke down in front of his dormitory.

"Stupid Ginny, stupid Harry, stupid emotions," he thought pressing his forehead on the cool wooden door, he could feel his magic keeping the door locked

"Draco?" Harry whispered carefully, at that moment Malfoy seemed to remember where he had left his wand it was in his boots his hands instantly reached for it. he pointed it at Harry eyes blurry with salty tears

"Come to make fun potter?" He sneered sniffling

"Of course not why would I ever do that?" Harry protested taking a step closer

"Don't! Don't you dare come near me or I will hex you yesterday!" Draco's wand began to go crackle as magic was threatening to erupt from it. Harry thought for a second before he fell on his knees head down

"I just wanna talk," he said softly Malfoy's arm began to drop slowly

"Please" Harry finished, Draco fell to his knees

"Why did you?" He sobbed undoing the charm he had put on their room

"Just leave me alone" he whispered standing on shaking legs and stumbling into their room, he let his body fall onto his bed feeling overwhelmingly exhausted

"Draco," Harry stated sitting on Malfoys bed

"Potter, leave, you don't wanna talk to a fag like me," Malfoy said tears still running down his face

"Don't feel like leaving" Harry shrugged

"Damn gryffindork" Malfoy mumbled more calmly

"Gryffindork?" Harry chuckled turning to Malfoy who sat up and wiped at his tear-streaked face

"Yes you are a complete and utter dork" Malfoy smiled sniffling he shook his head and stared at Harry

"Oh my! You don't have your dorky glasses on!?" He squealed cheeks burning up

"Oh! Yes, I erm, stopped wearing them, they made me look like a..." Harry paused and smiled

"...Gryffindork" he finished Malfoy burst out into a fit of laughter at his stupid new roommate

"Hey Draco," Harry said placing a hand on the boy's shoulder

"Yeah?' Draco blushed at the use of his name

"I'm sorry that Ginny did that, I, am not as straight as I thought" Harry chuckled

"Wait you're gay!?" Malfoy yelped

"Not exactly" Harry blushed and looked away

"Hi, I'm Harry Potter and I'll take ya mans and ya girl," Harry said awkwardly making finger guns, Malfoy laughed in delight something Harry adored

"You should laugh more" he smiled as Draco calmed

"What?" He giggled

"You have a nice laugh" Harry blushed and looked away

"Thanks, Potter I'll keep that in mind" Draco sputtered looking away as well, both boys sat on Dracos bed silently blushing messes

"I want to...apologize, for calling your girlfriend a whore." Malfoy said through gritted teeth

"No you don't- wait... did Draco Malfoy just try to apologize? Well, what have you done with the real one?" Harry chuckled, Draco turned to him blushing deeper

"Wha- just let me be a good person Harry!" He protested

"Ah I love it when you call me Harry" he smiled winking at the blond, Draco blushed and threw a pillow at him

"You stink of sweat go shower" he giggled looking away, Harry smiled and pulled Malfoy close to him, enveloping him in a tight hug

"I accept you the way you are, so does Pansy, Blaise, Hermione, and Ron" Malfoy sighed not having any more tears to cry

"All right, all right go shower!" Malfoy said in a feeling he couldn't describe, he pushed himself away although he didn't want to, since Harry had been running he had taken off his shirt and Malfoy wanted to burrow his head on the smooth skin of Harry's chest, but of course, that wasn't a possibility at the moment

"Okay lover boy I'll be right out any way I have classes in an hour" Harry winked playfully and strolled to the bathroom, Malfoy blushed deeply, squishing his eyes together shut.

"I can do this! I can do this!" He whispered to himself smiling, he stood and stretched, he had classes in an hour as well he shrugged his shoulders slightly and strolled out of the room, he knocked on pansy's door, he waited for a second listening to some shuffling from inside the room, he smiled warmly at Blaise who seemed to have just gotten out of the shower, because of his wet hair and his lack of a shirt

"Hey, lover boy!" He chimed hugging Draco tightly

"Hey, Blaise! You got roomed with pans?" Draco smiled hugging back

"Ha yeah it was hilarious, McGonagall already gave us detention" he chuckled pulling away and escorting Malfoy in.

"What brings you to my humble abode?" He asked putting on a shirt

"I've come to talk to Pansy, she here?" Draco asked fiddling with his robe

"Well, you just missed her she said she'd be back, so tell me, I am second in command!" He smiled sitting on his bed and staring at Malfoy, Malfoy shifted in his seat in the bean bag he had fallen onto.

"Aw c'mon Dray!" He smiled a perfect white-toothed smile, Draco winced, he had changed over the summer, he was acting more like himself

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you, but!" Draco pointed a stern finger at him

"If you laugh at me I'm going to murder you!" Draco smiled as Blaise nodded stupidity, he giggled and thought

"Okay, so basically, in a summery" he began talking softly his smile had fallen and he seemed off. Blaise waited patiently for Draco to speak again

"G-" Draco began again before the door slammed open

"Draco!" Pansy exclaimed running over and hugging him tightly

"That rotten bitch don't worry! I, Hermione, and Ron are going to hex her until she'll have to leave school!" She giggled an evil glint in her eyes

"No!" Draco stood

"Don't, she's not worth it" Draco sighed

"What the fuck is going on!" They both turned to Blaise and smiled

"It's a long story" 

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