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"Harry you have foam on your lip!" Draco laughed as him and Harry sat in a private booth so he wouldn't get attacked on their date.

"Hm?" Harry put his drink on the table as white foam dripped from his mouth. Draco bit back a cackle as he handed Harry a napkin to wipe his mouth with. Harry scrunched up his nose at the pale boy and chuckled

"Man it's been a while since I've seen you smile like that." Harry leaned on his hands and watched Draco

"What are you talking about? I literally laughed this morning." Draco stared at Harry's brilliantly green irises that seemed the gleam mischievously

"That was ages ago" Harry whined and scooted closer to Draco

"Oh Harry honestly you're such a baby" Draco waved the darker boy off and picked up his drink and sipped from it watching the other clients in the bar. They were hidden behind a sort of one way mirror so no one could see them but they could see everyone else.

"I'm not a baby!" Harry whined as he stared ar Draco's irises and melted with the mercury color

"But you are and- hey look its Hermione and Ron!" Draco spotted the other two as Harry was about to lean in and kiss him. Draco oblivious to it all pointed it out much to Harry's disappointment

"Yeah they must have planned a date today to" Harry stared at the two and Draco turned to him

"Woah when did you get so close!?" He laughed and Harry huffed

"We should invite them over!" Draco smiled excitedly. Harry frowned at the idea but said nothing because. Bloody hell he looked gorgeous when he smiled

"I'll go ask them to come over!" Draco began to scoot away and Harry pulled him back

"No" Draco arched his brow at Harrys motion

"Potter those are your friends!" Draco huffed and Harry smiled at him

"Yeah but you don't want to ruin their date do you?" Draco froze and sighed

"I guess you're right." He sat again and Harry sighed relaxing

"Harry do you feel that I stole you from the weaslet?" Harry froze as he had been inching closer to Draco again

"Stole?" Draco turned to Harry and stared at him as if pleading

"Mmm well you already know you stole my heart" Harry winked cheekily and Draco frowned

"You couldn't have stolen anything from Ginny when she had nothing you could have stolen in the first place" Draco smiled at the words and pulled Harry to him and kissed him softly

"Thank you." Harry smiled at Draco's words and because he finally got his bloody kiss.

They pulled away as a waitresses walked up to them she eyed them and frowned. They stared at her in return she finally glared at Draco and handed Harry a pie and then almost threw down Draco's cake and walked away

"It seems my reputation follows me" Draco sighed and leaned away from Harry. Harry watched the boy and smiled softly he stared at the open spot on his neck and leaned in close and kissed it

"Harry!" Draco jumped slightly and Harry hushed him and straddled the taller boy

"Harry." Draco groaned as Harry began to suck on Dracos soft skin searching for a particular spot.

"Mmm" Draco bit his lip and Harry smirked

"This spot huh?" Draco whimped at Harry's words and bit

"Merlin Harry!" Draco shoved Harry softly and Harry smiled pulling away and starring at Draco

"Now your reputation as Harry Potters boyfriend will follow you" Harry whispered carefully into Draco's ear and slithered off of the boys lap and began to eat his pie

"Wait." Draco reached to his neck and felt his heart drop

"You did not give me a hickey on our first fucking date!" Draco blushed as Harry winked at him. Draco took his cake and turned away from Harry eating it with gloom Harry watched with amusement at his boyfriends actions

"Draco?" Harry's eyes snapped up to see a much older Malfoy standing proudly with Narcissa holding him by the arm. Draco choked from the worst timing in the world his father could have shown up he quickly took his wand and cast a concealment spell and stood and looked his father in the eyes

"Father. Mother." He addressed his parents and they stared at him and then glanced at Harry who wanted the world to open up and swallow him

"You're hanging out with potter?" Narcissa smiled and greeted the poor boy who seemed to have swallowed a cat because it clearly had his tongue

"Yeah. You said to make new friends. He seemed like the obvious choice." Harry smiled softly at Draco's words

Oh yeah they were real good friends

"Can I ask why you two are alone together in a privet booth?" Lucius asked glancing at Harry who seemed to have gotten more comfortable with the family

"Dad you realize I'm one of the most hated wizards in the world right?" Draco scoffed in a very unmalfoy manner that Harry snorted at. Draco turned to him nose flaring

"Sorry!" Harry coughed at and stared at the mark he had placed just below the back of Draco ear

"Yes. But why with Potter?" As the older Malfoy interviewed the younger boy Narcissa grew tired of their bickering and sat next to Harry

"How have you been dear?" Harry smiled at the woman and bit his lip glancing at Draco's mark

"I've been well actually. How have you been? I see they finally lifted the dementors off of you guys" Harry said cheerfully and the woman nodded her head

"It's nice. Me and lucius have had time to speak and argue and well be a couple for the first time in a long time. He's turned into a bit of a softy" Harry chuckled at her words

"I'm glad you guys can be happy together." Harry stated and narcissa smiled

"I'm glad you and Draco can be happy together as well" Harry blushed and turned to her

"I- uh. What?" The woman laughed and pointed at the hickey Harry had been nervously flicking his eyes to

"I know what that is." She winked at Harry and slid out of the booth and latched onto her husband

"Luscious stop acting like a child." She pulled him away from the argument and whispered something in Draco's ear. Draco froze and his hand shot beside his ear. She winked at them both and put and indext finger on top of her lips

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