fuck you

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After much examination and healing Draco happily left the stale hospital wing. Skipping through the halls and gracefully avoiding hexs because fuck you Harry potter was his boyfriend now and some stupid students who can't think about anyone but themselves won't ruin his fucking good mood. He walked into the great hall a gaint smile on his face as everyone turned to him.

"Is that Malfoy?"

"Why is he smiling?"

"He looks like a bloody idiot"


"Malfoy!" Harry cooed from across the hall waving him down. Draco waved back and ignored the whispered around him as be walked towards Harry

"Why is Harry talking to him?"

"Must be a joke!"

"Disease of a human"

"He probably has Harry under a spell"

"Hello lover-boy~" Harry cooed as Draco sat next to him and scoffed

"Oh quit being cheesy you ass" Draco stifled a laugh as he began to place food on his plate. After a while whispers began to cease and people ignored the weird occurrence until they saw it. Harry leaning over and kissed Draco who was a blushing red. Draco heard gasps and squeals and scoffs he almost smiled but he pushed Harry away and glared at him

"Good job potter! You really kept it a damn secret didn't you?" Draco huffed crossing his arms and letting Harry lean on him

"Mmm but I wanted a kiss!" Harry whined nuzzling his face in Draco's neck licking it causing Draco to catch his breath

"Potter." Draco warned as Harry pulled Draco onto lap chuckling softly as he heard more gasps and began to suck on Dracos soft skin

"Potter!" Draco whisper-yelled trying to push Harry away as more people began to turn to them, and then Harry bit.

"Harry!" Draco yelled pushing Harry away he turned as a girl suddenly fainted. Draco glanced at pansy and Blaise who were shell shocked he turned to Hermione and Ron who had odd mixed faces of surprise and satisfaction

"Did you just call him Harry!?" A third year ravenclaw shouted across the hall, Draco's patients was gone. He turned to the ravenclaw a smirk playing at his lips

"Yes." He said turning and sitting to face the entire hall while still sitting on Harry's lap, Harry who was hiding his face in embarrassment in Draco's back groaned quietly at the swivel of Draco's hips.

"Are you supposed to be a ravenclaw?" Draco spat, feeling Harry groan. He smiled mischievously and continued moving deliberately to make Harry jolt and hug Draco closer to hide an on growing erection

"Y-Yes!" The ravenclaw defended standing hoping Draco would to, but Draco just leaned back into Harry.

"So what? You have a hearing problem?" Draco stated coldly drinking from his pumpkin juice.

"No!" The ravenclaw defended again

"Then what's so hard-" Draco paused deliberately and smirked

"To believe I just called my boyfriend by his name?" The entire hall gasped and began to murmur. Draco couldn't be bothered with them and shifted in Harry's lap again. He leaned toward Harry's ear slowly whispering

"You should go take care of yourself" and slid off of his lap and began to eat his dinner again, while Harry blushed and looked away trying to hide the tent in his trousers

"I-I can't." Harry mutterd

"Can't what?" Draco smirked. He knew. He knew Harry couldn't get up and just walk out with an erection in the middle of dinner.

"Draco." Harry whined staring at him. Draco smiled and pulled off his hoodie and stood he wrapped his arms around Harry and tied it around his waist to cover. Harry thanked him with a kiss however Draco didn't miss the small groan Harry let out that caused him to smile.

"Have fun" he whispered as Harry took off he watched him chuckling to himself sitting in his seat and continuing to eat. He looked up at the rest of the golden trio with his own friends staring at him.

"Oh hey guys!" He said awkwardly realizing he had done that in front of everyone

"Oh man we were gonna tell you guys together! We were gonna keep it a secret but it was only kept secret for so long because I was being kept in the hospital wing!" Draco began to complain about their comming out story before Blaise began to laugh

"That's literally the most iconic moment Hogwarts has seen!" Pansy joined in soon almost the entire slytherdor table laughing with them. Draco just sat there awe struck. They all had accepted it. He smiled softly and thanked them they all ate happily and when dinner was over the students left unknowing of the professor's who were now giving up little sacks of galleons to the headmistress.

"I told you guys!" Mcgonigall laughed as she put her new earnings away

"Damn it!" Hagrid bellowed as madam hooch laughed along

"If Draco had waited just one more day I would have won!" Professor sprout cried the professors all laughed and excused themselves from the table thinking of the funny young couple

Draco lingered outside of his room. He had deliberately taken a long time to get to the dorms. What if Harry wasn't done and he walked in? That would be awkward. In the end Draco got the nerve to knock on the door.

"Harry I'm coming in!" He opened the door to see Harry on his bed asleep with Dracos hoodie in his hands nuzzled up to his face. Draco smiled his heart beating quickly at the sight. He walked over to their shared bathroom and showered letting gel come untangle from him blond locks he peered down at his arm the stupid mark still there. He bit his lip and began to scrub at it.

"You damn thing" he practically whined scrubbing his skin raw he finally gave up after his arm began to sting. He washed throughly and left the bathroom sleep making itself an issue when he realizes that Harry is still sleeping in his bed. Draco sighed debating if he wanted to sleep on Harry's bed or move him over. He decided he's not going to sleep in a bed with gryffindor colors and that he could do whatever he wants because bloody Harry Potter was his bloody boyfriend fuck you.

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