"Oh god your amazing and your finally mine!" ch18

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When I got to the airport the plane wasn't there.

"I'm sorry miss. Your grandmother order the plane to drop someone off here. It will

be a few minutes."

"Okay thank you." I went to sit in the lobby. I call the resort to make a reservation.

Thankfully they had one. Plus it helped that I had money. I got a hut farthest from

other people and it was the biggest. Which adds to the depressing feeling that I

had. I decided to call my grandma.


"Hey grandma."

"Elizabeth sweetheart. What's wrong?"

"I'm going on a mental break and I wanted to tell someone."

"Sweetheart what's wrong?"

"I really don't want to talk about it. Can you tell auntie please because she would

stop me and I really need this."

"Sure. Where are you going?"

"Bora Bora."

"Okay be safe."

"I love you."

"I love you too. There's something I need to tell you."

"Yes grandma?"

"Sorry Miss but your plane's here."

"Thank you. Grandma the planes here."

"Your brothers are on the plane." I turned to look at the plane and sure enough my

brothers were getting off the plane with Maria.

"Great! I see them. Thanks grandma."

"Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up and shoved my phone in my pocket. I grabbed my suits

cases and walked towards the plane. Quinn was the first one to spot me. Mitchell

and Maria were holding hands and talking. Quinn was happy to see me until he saw

my suit cases then his face fell. No one realized he left the group because there

were packing the limo.

"Elizabeth where are you going?" Quinn and I have always been the closest .

"Bora Bora." I tried to smile.


"I need to think things out."

"Why ? What's wrong! Is it because Mitchell and Maria are dating?"

"There's a lot of things." I looked down at my feet.

"Then I'll come with you!" I snapped my head up at him.

"What ! NO you're here with the others."

"Ya. Were here to see you."

"Mitchell is here for Maria and I know . I'm not mad at him but I'm mad at Maria. Alex

always wanted ti go to New York and DC." the pilot walked up tp us.

"The plane is ready Miss."

"Thank you."

"Lizabeth tell me why you are really going."

"I'm sorry but I have to go."

"Wait let me grab my thing."

"No you should have a nice time here." I climb into the plane . I laid down on the

sofa and closed my eyes. My feet were lifted and placed on someone lap. I slowly

opened my eyes to see Quinn with my feet on his lap. Sitting across me was Alex

and Mitchell. Great! I closed my eyes again and asked.

"What are you three doing here?"

"Going to Bora Bora with are sister." Alex said. Why ,why me! I thought.

"Didn't you guys wanted to see Miami, DC and New York?"

"Ya but we wanted to do that with you."

"Fine." I mumbled. The pilot came over the speaker telling us that we were leaving.

When we were able to move around. I reached over grabbing my I pod. They kept

looking at me.

"Elizabeth I'm so sorry." Mitchell said. Looking deeply sorry.


"Elizabeth I'm...." I cut him off.

"Mitchell I get it."

"Okay then." he lend deeper down in the seat. My legs were still on Quinn's lap.

"So Izzy why are we going to Bara Bora?"

"To think" I sat up bring my knees to my chest."

"Izzy please." Quinn begged.

"Look if I told you. You wouldn't like the answer so let drop it please!"

"Does it have to do with Mike?" Mitchell saying his name with disgust.

"NO!" I put in my head phones. I ignored them for the rest of the flight.

We finally arrived to Bora Bora.

"Wow this place is beautiful!" Alex comment.

"I wish I brought."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Mitchell." I growled.

"Okay Okay." I guy walked up to me.

"You must be Elizabeth Golden. I didn't expect you to have any guest." he looked at

my brothers.

"I didn't plan on it. They just showed up."

"Then there staying with you?"

"No! do you have any other rooms?"

"I'm sorry Miss. Golden but we don't."

"Come on sis it will be just like old times." Alex put his arm on my shoulder."

"Fine but you guys have to share the other bedroom and sofa." they we excited.

The hut was huge! Two bedroom. One master bath. With three sinks, huge bath tub

and shower. A patio , living room. The place was gorgeous. Made for a couple. I got

even more depressed. I put my things into my bedroom. I laid on the plush bed.

There was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I continued to stare at the ceiling

"Lizzy we are going to cheek out the island then go swimming. You want to come?"

Mitchell said.

"No I'll stay here."

"Okay." when to closed the door be hind him my phone started to ring.


"Ask her!" I heard some one yell from a far distance.

"Who's that ?"


"Mike what is Ryan doing there." my heart was race. Crap.

"Elizabeth did you try killing your self?"



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