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Chapter 2

I woke up to the sweet smell of coffee and the soft sound of music coming from the kitchen. I tossed off my blankets and giggled softly, running to the kitchen as Pure Water was playing. 

"UGH, NO MASTER P," I yelled, Aaron jumping and turning around as I laughed loudly, walking over and grabbing a cup of coffee. "What are you doing tomorrow for breakfast?" I smiled, taking a sip of my coffee. 

"Nothing, why?" He smirked, grabbing his cup and leaning against the counter top. 

"So Cameron is actually in New Zealand right now, but my friend Maddie is around and I feel like you'd really like her," I winked as Aaron laughed, shaking his head. 

"I'm not interested," he smiled as I gasped, looking into his eyes. "What?" He chuckled as I shook my head, letting out a loud sigh. 

"Nothing," I mumbled, looking at him as I took a sip of my coffee. "Why don't you want a girlfriend?" I blurted out which only made him laugh. 

"Because I'm not looking for one at the moment," he smiled as I nodded, clearing my throat as there was a knock on the door. 

"I GOT IT," I yelled, giggling softly as I ran to the door, opening it with a big smile on my face. "Hi Tyler, what can I help you with?" I smiled as the dark haired guy laughed softly, Aaron jogging over, laughing softly. 

"Sorry about her, she's like a little puppy, just so excited about everything," he chuckled as he stood behind me, his hands gripping my shoulders as I smiled brightly at the guy in front of me. "What can I help you with, T Wade?" Aaron gulped as Tyler laughed, shaking his head. 

"I'm actually here for this one," he smirked, gesturing to me. 

"What can I do for you, sir?" I giggled, smiling up at him. 

"I need your help with getting this girl to notice me," he gulped as I gasped, nodding my head. 

"Come in," I squealed, as Aaron rolled his eyes, laughing softly. Tyler walked in and I ran off, leading him into my room, Aaron not far behind. "Welcome to my office," I smiled, sitting down on my bed, placing my mug on my night stand. "So, what's her name?" I smiled as Tyler laughed, sitting down on my bed next to me. 

"Her name is Grace," he gulped as I gasped, nodding my head. 

"Tyler and Grace, it has a nice ring to it," I winked as Tyler laughed, rolling his eyes. 

"What about Aaron and Ryan?" He smirked as I shrugged, looking over at Aaron who was leaning  against the doorway with his arms crossed. 

"I mean, it's not bad," I smirked before looking back at Tyler. 

"How'd you meet?" Aaron huffed as Tyler and I both glanced over at him before we looked back at one another. 

"Through a mutual friend. I was over at this girls house with a bunch of friends and then she showed up, and I just can't seem to forget about her," he smiled as I nodded. 

"I love that," I giggled, sitting up. "Do something special for her," I gulped, as he nodded. "Find out what she likes, and do something special for her. My most memorable first date was after I told this kid that I loved Disney movies. He then set up his basement with a projector and a pillow fort and it was only lit up by Christmas lights! He made a bunch of little cookies and stuff that he knew I liked, and we watched like 2 or 3 Disney movies only because he knew I liked them. He didn't love Disney movies, but that didn't stop him from making special for me," I smiled as Tyler laughed softly, nodding his head. 

"Thanks, Ry," he smirked as I shrugged, giggling softly. 

"Anything for you, T Wade," 

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