Conversation: 8

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(The next day)

MN: "Chaeng. You are forgiven. And I'm sorry too for acting that way. I guess I was overly sensitive. But you shouldn't have said it like you know how I really felt about someone. You don't know me. Well, I know you meant no harm. Let's just forget about it, shall we?"

CY: "I'm sorry for acting that way too. I guess I was overly sensitive as well. I was just feeling like somehow you dumped and you talked about someone else which is my friend so yeah.. I don't know how to describe it but I think you get it, right? anyways, are we still friends?"

MN: "Of course.. we are still friends"

CY: "Fuhh.. you got me scared for nothing. Seriously, I was worried about you last night and I thought you wouldn't want to text me anymore"

MN: "I'm not that evil to just ignore you.. I am, sometimes can get very sensitive especially when I get mad or dislike the conversation. I often just ignore it for a whole and then listen to music or stare outside of the window looking at the trees"

CY: "Well.. we barely knew each other and I already made you mad. So, tell me how can I not feel bad at all?"

MN: "😁"

CY: "Anyways, I know I am somewhat being dumped by you but I'm still interested to know you more though, are you?"

MN: "Sure. There's no harm in getting to know each other"

CY: "Just don't ignore my texts, okay?"

MN: "I won't 🙆🏻‍♀️"

— to be continued —

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