Chapter 3

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Mates. The other half of you, the one that not only completes you but gives you a reason to live, laugh and love. Every being needs a mate to give your life a meaning, to come back home in the warm arms of you love. To wake up in the morning next to your life sleeping peacefully. To look at someone and see the unconditional love in their eyes. To feel that they're worth it.

A tear slipped down my eyes as I looked at the endless darkness of the sky, there are no stars today. Maybe there are but I chose not to see them, I don't want my cursed fate to ruin their brightness. The only thing that I through would make me feel worth has been snatched away from me. I don't blame that girl, or him, I would be nothing but a burden on him anyway. A sob desperately wanted to escape my mouth but I swallowed it, not wanting to show anyone how broken I am.

I look down at my bloody wrist that I cut with my wolf nails, the crimson colour looks so beautiful coming out of my veins. This is how it should be. I should be dead. It's not like I have anything or anyone to loose anymore nor would anyone feel my absence. Maybe death will finally make me rest in peace, maybe death will be my friend. It's true what they say, life is a beautiful lie and death is the bitter truth. I have lived a bitter live, I can have another short at bitter but this time no other thing would make me feel any pain. I'll be long gone in the arms of death. Finally resting in peace.

My wrist stops bleeding as it heals every cut that I made leaving nothing behind as if nothing ever happened in that place. Tears just keep streaming out of my eyes but no sound came out of my mouth, no furrowed brows, no sniffing, no emotions in the eyes. I have done this a billion times, just cry showing no emotions. It's not like anyone will ever understand then why give an effort? It's all a waste, just like me.

The motionless forest and the wind coming from between the trees makes anyone sigh in relief... But not me... Not me.
I wonder when I die will there will be a burial or as mother says that they'll throw me in the bottom of a sea for other animals to feed on me or as father says they'll throw me in a dumpster for vultures and rats to feed on me. They'd always joke about this during the dinner we used to have and everyone.. EVERYONE would laugh.

I look down from the cliff I am sitting, beautiful sharp bed of rocks. If I jump will one be kind enough to pierce my heart? At least they will do what is really expected of them, unlike all the people I know. Not even the elders in my-- Janine's pack are civil to me. They'd push me around and make me do worst things. I remember one day when Justin asked me to get his bag from the gym and when I went to the gym, there were my bullies from and some elders who had sworn to ruin my life. Werewolf elder are not the elders you think. Even when a werewolf is a 170 year old they'd look like in their 30's.

One of the elders had punched me in the face and dragged me to the middle of the ring, they all kicked me untill I was half unconscious then they put me inside a punching bag and started hitting me ruthlessly. I was in the hospital unattended for days even after having fast healing. That's how unwanted I am. It's been like this since forever, I never knew what I did wrong to offend people to such a extend that they'd want me tortured to death. I'll never know.

As soon as I had dropped the alpha couple off to the pack house and taken them to alpha Gilbert, I ran. I ran to my sanctuary, the edge of a very dangerous cliff. When elders used to talk to their grandchildren, they'd always mention how dicey this cliff is and how easy it is to trip and fall into knife like sharp rocks. When I heard about it, I went on a quest to look for it and when I found it after getting lost in the woods for 6 hours, it was worth it. It was beautiful, yes it was very scary but beautiful.

The cliff was so high that there were fogs beneath it, the cold harsh wind really melted my grief. I slowly walked towards the edge and that day I truely had a real smile, it was Breathtaking. The different coloured rocks, so sharp that it could pierce a giants skin in one gash and giants are have skin thicker than steel, at least that what I heard.

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