Chapter 4

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I walked out of the bathroom and saw Justin still sleeping naked on my bed. I tightened the towel and walked to him, I slowly began to shake him awake, "Justin.. wake up Justin" I softly said and ran my hands in his hair. He always says that he loves it when I do that. He began to stir, "Justin, wake up. It's getting late. You need to be at the office now" I said trying to wake him up. He opened his eyes and gave me a smile, "Hey beautiful" he said groggily and sat up not bothering to cover his private part.

I gave him a fake smile, "You need to go to the office. You shouldn't be late everyday, go and shower now" I told him and walked into the closet. I took out my work shirt that had the name of the supermarket written in it and a pain blue jeans. When I was dressed I felt two arms wrapped around my waist from behind, it didn't need Sherlock to figure out who it was. His smelly breath hitting my ears making me cringe on the inside, "You're such a wife material, I am glad that you're mine" he whispered huskily and sucked on my neck.

I cringed even more, I felt my wolf laughing in my head snorting. I growled at her but she gave me a loopsided smile with her tongue out and went inside her cave. I mentally shuddered even imagining him and me together. Then a thought crossed my mind, "What will happen if your mate will come? Will you leave me for her?" I asked faking hurt. Jesus Christ, at the rate I am faking shit, lying and making people believe it, I'll soon run for president.

He stiffened, I could feel his jaw clenched on my shoulder, "She's dead" he said after a moment of hesitantion. I looked at him in bewilderment at the new found information, "I-I am sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that" I said turning around to look at him, truely regretting asking about her. He just shook his head and smiled softly at me, "It's in the past, you're my present and future" he said lovingly, tugging a strand of hair behind my ears. I kissed him lightly, said my goodbye and went straight to work.

Present and future? I scoffed thinking about it. Just because his mate died, which I am saying with utmost respect but that doesn't give him the right to go after me the way he did. And he didn't even consider me finding my mate or falling in love with someone else, he just snatched away everything from me. He just claimed me as his.. like an object, I am a person with emotions and feelings but such a small thing cannot go inside a misogynistic head.

I smiled when I reached the supermarket, I parked the car in the parking lot and entered the store from the back. Before going for my duty, I decided to meet grandma. No. No. She isn't my blood grandma but she is my Real grandma. And her husband is my grandpa, I never met any of my grandparents so I grew up without them. Another blow at my fucked up life. Anyway I went to her office and entered without knocking, Big Mistake.

I stood with my mouth and eyes open wide as I took in the scene before me, grandma and grandpa were making out lying on the couch, with Grandma on top of him. I shrieked and turned around, "Oh shit!" I heard grandpa's voice. I shuddered in horror, I am fucking scarred, I am never going back. That scene kept repeating itself in my mind, "You could have at least locked the door" I said shrieking. I heard few movements then Grandpa said, "Yeah you could have knocked" he came back.

I tilted my head to the side, "Touché" I said, "Are you guys decent now?" I asked. A yes came from Grandma, I turned around with a sad smile, "we'll never talk about this" she told me to which I nodded chuckling. I looked at the lovely couple sadly and went to hug them, "I'll miss you guys so much" I said as grandpa who was 6'1 pulled us both in a hug. Grandma teared a bit as she looked lovingly at me, I took both of their hands in my own, "I promise as soon as I am settled I'll contact you" I said. Grandma nodded and kissed my forehead, "You're very strong, sweetie. Not many have the courage of doing what you are" she said, grandpa messed up my hair and kissed my forehead, "I am so proud to call you my grandchild" he commented with a smile.

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