Chapter 1 -Another dream

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He smiled at me, which caused me to smile back.

"I love you." He whispered brushing a peice of hair behind my ear.

"I love you." I stated.

He leaned in to kiss m- *beep *beep

I sat up quickly sighing to myself. This always happens, I dream about this mysterious boy but get awokened by my alarm when he's about to kiss me.

Everynight for the past two months I have had the same dream and I don't even know who that boy is, but I wish I did.

He has blonde hair that is styled into a perfect quiff, sparkling blue eyes that make me weak at the knees and light pink plumb lips which I want to kiss more than anything.

I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom, to do my business and brush my teeth.

Whilst brushing my teeth I look into the mirror at myself, even if I did know this boy, he wouldn't go for me, nobody ever has.

I'm 17 years old and I have never been in a relationship, I got asked out by someone once , but it turned out to be a dare.

I slowly walk downstairs and greet my family; My mum, Dad, my brother Nick and my sister Jess.

Nick is my twin brother, we are so close that we don't get hurt when we insult eachother, which I love.

Nick is a minute older than me and he never lets me forget it.

Jess is 13, and she has had 3 boyfriends so far,and I hate her for it.

"Morning guys" I said whilst sitting down and ruffling Nicks hair.

"Morning." Jess smiles at me, which I return.

I go off into a daydream whilst I eat my breakfast and Nick notices.

"Dreamt about that boy again?" He asks smirking.

"Shhh." I whisper shush him.

I told Nick the 4th time I had this dream, and now he always taunts me with it.

He continues to smirk whilst eating his cereal and I just shake my head.

There was a knock at the door at 10am which is my best friend Alice, who also happens to have a huge crush on my brother.

"Bye" I shout opening my door and stepping out.

"Ready for a shopping spree" she squels.

"Always." I smile.

Since we are 17 we finished high school last year, as we are from England. I go to collage on tuesday,wednesday and half a day on Thursday.

But little did I know this shopping trip would involve someone I never thought I would see in my life, ever.




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