Forty Eight-Burning Gay Community

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           BURNING DOWN THE GAY      

The Devil in WHITE was now sick. Psychologically and physically, a certain brain malfunction fractured her thinking after murdering Brianna's friends and discarding their bodies. On the other end of the street, more groups of thugs paced around fondling with the female world of passers-by and gave no damn about it.

Ignorant people. More ignorant people who had no clue of a madwoman on the loose were now dressed in their party outfits and birthday suites as they headed for the second, dopiest night club of the year. Boys and girls jammed like the world came to an end.

But what really did piss ol' sick Emma Woodburn off? The gay community. The thought of men fondling with other male counterparts in the dark alley created the ticking time bomb. Fucking LGBT or whatever the hell they called it nowadays, they were all human filth according to Emma's worldview and they needed to be extinct as soon as possible.

Emma found herself entering another bar filled with the gays when a subconscious voice in her empty mind forced her not to. Not in control of her actions or body, Emma felt herself ordering a shot of whiskey. She couldn't understand. Nothing made sense now.

Hands still shivered and ached. Head remained tilted, eyes turned a crimson bloodshot red. The bartender, a blonde-haired woman, felt sympathy for her fellow blonde when she noticed the side-effects.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?", she asked, cleaning glasses and bottles of Schnapp, but the voice fell on deaf ears. The bartender decided to down tone her concern and mind her business somewhere else, not even perplexed at the sight of the sick cannibal killer. Emma was looking like an undead woman in WHITE. That tilted head with pupils staring towards the left side was enough paranormal to scare any gay human.

But not the fellow gentleman seated by Emma's side. He had been more pissed off at the world twice as Emma did. He was in his late forties, had freckles on his WHITE skin, creepy elf-like ears, long red hair, definitely Scottish, brown shirt, golden watch, and dark skinny jeans. At first, he felt moved when the bartender showed concern for Emma and wanted to buy her a drink. He changed his mind and began cursing aloud to try and at least get the killer in a mild conversation.

Emma felt like dying instead of killing, but she managed to connect with the Scottish cab driver when they expressed their dislike for the gays. Damien. Damien Pascal was his name. A gay himself, he wholeheartedly vowed to convert his sexual orientation to straight right after Monsieur Pascal, his ex-abusive husband shoved their divorce down his throat.

The killer and the converting gay man bonded for a while until one of them started to feel really sick. Emma puked blood and saw her vision getting wobbly. The hallucinations came back. Damien, being the friendly citizen, carried the collapsing Emma into his arms and rushed him into his cab. He drove back to his apartment with her, not seeming to care how awkward it had been.

Damien talked to her as she lay down on his comfortable bed, feeling even more concerned for the poor blonde lady than the bartender did because he hadn't seen anyone go through this form of ailment in years. He wondered if Emma was suffering from the sudden outbreak of rabies recently and made her take the pills his ex-husband Pascal used to steal from him.

In a matter of time, the drugs took effect and the Devil in WHITE woke up from the catatonic state. Her mind still blank, Emma managed to cling unto her dark thoughts like a tick on a dog's fur. Damien sat in his shady living room filled with worn out furniture, one TV set and cracked walls to smoke pot. Emma turned the tap in the bathtub on, leaving the hot, boiling water to fill up so she can do the next unthinkable thing.

She came across an alkaline detergent in his cupboard and quickly applied it to the water before shutting all the windows and going to bed. Damien, high as the night sky and completely out of his mind, grew tired as well but the water caught his attention. He didn't hesitate to strip bare ass naked and take a dip or even test the water first.

Just one quick dive into the tub of acid water did the job to make Emma smile as she lay comfortable in his own bed. Damien scrambled for dear life by the second he managed to hop out of the tub unto the cold hard floor. He screamed loud, but they weren't loud enough to tear down his walls. Nobody in the whole wide world could hear him, but the Devil in WHITE did for sure. And boy did she enjoy it.

Damien saw and felt his entire skin and flesh melt and peel off his bones. It hurt like he was swimming in Hell's fire and couldn't find his way out of the misery no matter how high pitched his screams had been. When the screaming stopped and he was reduced to nothing but a pile of skeleton, Emma could finally sleep in peace.

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