There Goes The Brides [2]

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{Silver's POV}

"All except one were canceled?" I asked, and laced up my combat boots again for the umpteenth time.

"Jayden managed to warn them all in time of the bride kidnappings, so they all promptly canceled." Ji said.

"With only one left, we all know exactly which wedding the Nighlok will hit, especially if there's only the one." He said, and I sighed.

"Stop fidgeting." Jayden said, nudging me with his arm, and I shook my head hard. "I'm nervous."

I said, and they all turned to me, looking shocked, like they had been smacked in the face hard, with the knowledge.

"You have nothing to fear from this. We are all here with you. The Nighlok won't get their hands on you."

Kevin said, and I shook my head. "As much as I appreciate the sentiment of that statement Kevin, I'm not scared of the kidnapping part."

I said, and I clenched my fist tightly, and I felt my palms going sticky, and I saw Jayden had pulled out a staff, and I squeezed that, rather then making my own palms bleed.

"Dude! What are you doing to yourself man? You're gonna make yourself bleed from your palms?"

Mike asked, and I looked at him. "It's nothing new." I said, and he looked at me, and I saw Ji's look of concern on me.

"I'm okay Ji."

I said, and he sighed.

"Good. Because we need a blushing bride." He said, and I looked at him, and shook my head.

"Why is it me again?" I asked, and Mike snorted.

"Because you two have legit chemistry, and besides, it won't be fun at all to watch you two again."

Mike said, and I punched him in the gut. "Ow." He said, and Ji sighed. "Isn't that the reason?" Mike asked him.

"Mia can play the bride. Besides, you do not need to be a samurai, to be the good actor." Ji said, and I snorted.

"No kidding." I said. "Something tells me that Mia wants to be the blushing bride bait."

Mike said, taking the list from her.

"Mike! Every girl wants to wear a wedding gown. Maybe Mia more then others." Emily said, and I looked at her, my eyes flashing.

"Except for Silver, who is giving me a very scary look right now." Emily said and I stopped, once I realized I scared her.

"Sorry Emily."

I said, and walked out of the room quickly, holding the staff still in my hands.

"Hey. I'm a sucker for Cinderella." I heard Mia say, before I stood outside the room, just listening to see if there was anything important that I had missed by walking out.

I almost busted out laughing when I saw the look on Jayden's, and equally as tough, was attempting, trying not to laugh at Mia, and almost failing.

"Okay, once we get a fix on the location of the brides, I'll send back the coordinates." She said.

"We'll be ready to come and save them then." I said, and walked back in, still swinging the staff around.

"I guess I'm gonna have to wear the tuxedo again." Jayden said, and I let out a barking laugh.

"We'll be ready to come and save them." Jayden amended, after seeing the look on Mia's face.

"Well with that, let's get some rest. Tomorrow, Mia gets captured by the damned Moogers." I said, and we all went into our separate rooms.

I sat on my bed, and looked at the scars on my body in the mirror that was in my room.

I was looking now, at the ones in particular on my legs, the ones that made me so scared to wear dresses, and even loose shorts.

A knock on my door, startled me out of my reverie and then I remembered that I didn't have any clothes on.

I grabbed a hoodie, and pulled it on over my head, and yanked shorts up, and forgot about my own rule about no shorts, and I got into bed.

"It's open." I said, pulling my covers up over my whole body. Jayden and Ji walked in. "I'm fine."

I said, before either of them had even had a chance to get a single word out to me.

"It's not a injury. It's just something that happened when I was a little kid alright?"

I said, and they looked at each other.

"You guys can go now." I said, rolling over onto my side, facing the wall and I heard one of them go.

"Hey. If you need to talk about it. I'm right here." Jayden said, and I shut my eyes tightly, feeling the familiar pain and trauma trickling through me.

"Just go. Please." I said, and my voice cracked with emotions, that hurt a lot, and he looked at me, concerned.

"Storm..." He said, and I looked at the wall, and felt tears running down my face. "Just go!"

I shouted, my voice was cracking more now, with stronger emotions, and he hugged me.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, as I began to whimper, and I felt all of the memories coming back to torture me.

"Hey. I've got you." Jayden said, and I felt the tears trickling down my face, and I shook my head.

"We've got each other." I whispered, telling both him, and myself as well.

"You're right Wolf. We always will."

He said, and I leaned my head on his shoulder, and his other hand rubbed circles on my back.

"Hey Jayden."

I said quietly, and he looked at me.

"Yeah?" He asked, watching me.

"When I left, I was a good half foot taller then you. What's your secret to becoming a giant cub?" I asked, and he smiled and laughed quietly.

"I missed you." He said, and I leaned my head on his chest, and he smiled at me.

"Are you alright to?..."

He asked, and I was already sound asleep, my arms around him in a half hug half vice grip.

"Yeah you're good to sleep."

He said, and I snuggled up to him, and continued to sleep soundly for once in my life, not caring about anything.

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