ronald mcdreamboat

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Your POV

The two of you sprinted down the street and away from Tom's house and towards the McDonalds he'd seen earlier, laughing. 

"I really can't believe we just did that!" you said in disbelief

"I can't believe you faked a seizure!"

"What else was I supposed to do?" you giggled, "You're the one who fell up the stairs! Who does that?"

He faked being hurt by your comment and the two of you went quiet, a tension forming between you. You looked over at him, feeling your stomach fill with butterflies. You'd only known him for a few hours but something in you had already started to think of him as something more than a friend.

Okay no... that's weird. You thought, looking away. You were not about to develop a crush on someone who had your face... especially since you'd only just met that day.

But then again obviously I don't like him because he looks like me. I like his personality... and to be fair his actual body isn't too shabby either, you thought, looking down at yourself and then back at him.

Tom, completely oblivious to your internal monologue, noticed you looking this time. His mouth quirked into a smile and he raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Oh, nothing." you squeaked turning away, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment.

"Please never do that with my face again." He deadpanned.

"Do what?" You asked, nervously moving to play with your hair before you remembered his hair was too short for that. You settled for awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck.

"Act cute. Seriously, I really don't like watching myself do that."

"What? I'm just-" Your face felt like it was on fire and the fact that your brain had decided to shut down at the unexpected compliment didn't make it any easier for you to find an intelligent response. After a bit of floundering, you settled for a solid, "I'm not... acting cute."

He rolled his eyes though he was smiling, "You do realize you're just proving my point, right?"

"Oops?" You laughed awkwardly, unable to think of anything else to say. He chuckled and the two of you continued walking in silence, though you couldn't stop thinking about what he'd said.

Well, he thinks I'm cute so there's that... even though that was incredibly awkward. you thought to yourself, "How was I even supposed to respond to that though? Imagine if I'd gone on about how—I don't know—how hot he is? I guess that's not exactly the same but still. He wouldn't have known how to respond either."

You huffed, crossing your arms. You wanted to be annoyed but it was hard when you still felt flustered. You turned to send a glare at Tom, startling when you realized he was already staring at you looking just as shocked

"Well I guess you're right..." he said slowly as he turned red, "I'm not sure how to respond."

"Huh? Respond to wh-" You froze, realizing what he'd meant. You must have said that aloud. What you really wanted to do was curl up into a ball and die but what you did instead forced a laugh and say, "Now you know how I felt."

He laughed too but the awkward tension hadn't gone away. You walked the rest of the way to McDonald's in silence and when you finally got there he held the door for you and you thanked him, not making eye contact. You got in line and he went behind you.

"So... do you want anything?" he asked, clearly trying to move past the painful conversation you'd had.

"No, that's ok I'm not hungry." A lie. All that running had actually made you work up an appetite but you didn't have any money and you didn't want him to have to pay for you either.

"Are you sure?" He asked definitely not convinced you were telling the truth.

"Positive." You said, but just then your stomach growled in protest.

"What do you want?" He asked you, laughing.

"Can I just have a [your favorite thing at mcdonalds]?" You smiled shyly.

"Of course." he laughed, "That's what I want too it's my favorite thing here."

"Mine too" you said casually though for some reason you started to feel butterflies in your stomach but it wasn't just because you where hungry. You knew it was silly that you were excited that you had the same favorite thing at McDonald's but you couldn't help smiling to yourself.

He ordered for you and when you got your food you sat in a booth near the play area. You talked for a while, the awkward atmosphere completely gone.

There was a pause in conversation when he noticed you staring at the play area. You were too big to fit in the play place considering you were 17 and the play area was for young kids but for some reason you still always really wanted to go in it when ever you went to McDonalds.

"I dare you to go inside." he said

"What? In the play area? It's for little kids!" you protested though you still really wanted to go in regardless of how old you were.

"I can tell you still really want to go! What are the odds you go in?" you hated the what are the odds game but you secretly wanted to go in so you played along.

"1 to 10" you said.

"Okay. 1... 2... 3..."

"7" you both said at the same time and you groaned. You stood up regretting playing along already. You both walked into the room and you squeezed yourself into the entrance. It was a tight fit considering you were twice the age the playground was built for but you kept going.

You could hear Tom laughing from the ground as you smiled and waved at him through the window and then you crawled toward the slide. You unceremoniously slid down the slide going surprisingly fast. You tumbled out of the slide in a fit of laughter and soon Tom had fallen to the ground laughing with you.

You were about to go up again when an angry mother of one of the kids who had been playing came up to you.

"Excuse me! You are too old to be on this slide! You could have hurt my kid!" she screeched red in the face. This caused you and Tom to laugh even harder.

"Okay sorry," you said through fits of giggles and you both walked out of the play area. Once you had both calmed down you sighed, "Okay, what now?"

"What do you mean?" he asked

"How are we going to switch back?" You clarified and he suddenly looked really serious.

"I think I know what to do."


Author's Note: oooo cliff hanger >:3 but at least this chapter was pretty long. anyway, I hope you liked the chapter let me know in the comments uwu.

edit 8/9/20: this chapter was already in the reader's pov but i decided to edit it a little

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