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I was the happiest that I had ever felt, being pulled along by his strong, warm hand guiding me away from the dance that the teachers had set up. The school dance was always a way for everyone to hang out easily, away from home (as it was a field trip into a nearby city), and do things together they normally wouldn't do (like dance on the top floor of a hotel).

"Where are we going?" I was smiling so hard.

"Away." He turned back to look at me, making eye contact that I was never able to break. His eyes were dark, but they were filled with stars. Once we reached the elevator, he pushed the button so hard I thought it would break. I wanted to tell him that pushing it harder would not make the machine move any faster, but I stopped myself. I knew all I would receive was a smirk and an eye roll.

When the doors finally opened, he grabbed my waist with both hands and spun me inside. It felt like some scene out of a movie that looks fun, but also impossible. I know now that perfect is possible with Oliver. I backed up against the wall of the elevator, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him towards me. A small strand of dark brown hair had curled in front of his forehead, and I brushed it away as delicately as I could manage.

He looked down at me with a smile that made me want to melt at his feet, and carefully placed a soft kiss on my forehead, then my cheek, then my lips. The elevator door opened on the floor of the hotel containing all the rooms of the students.

"I still don't know where we're going" he said, shaking his head and smiling.

"I know." I gave him my best mischievous smile, and it was now my turn to drag him down the hallway. We passed 412, 414, 416, and finally reached the room belonging to me and my best friend Jasmine. "Jasmine got invited to hang out in some other girl's room for the night, so I'm all alone. I don't want to get lonely."

"Well I definitely wouldn't want that either." I slid the card through the opening in the door handle and backed the door open. Oliver wrapped his arms around me and spun me in a circle, placing me on the edge of the bed and planting another soft kiss in my hair. "You look tired, do you want to go to bed?"

"You... are amazing." I ran my hands up and down his strong chest.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, any other guy would try to... take advantage of the situation..."

"If you're tired, that wouldn't be enjoyable for either of us." I wanted to kiss him forever.

"I love you."

A great smile broke out across his face. He began to unbutton his jacket, leaving him in a white t-shirt and black pants. Pulling off the shirt, he handed it to me. I pulled the shirt over my dress before pulling the dress out from under it.

Suddenly, it was just him in his boxers and me in his t-shirt. He pulled back the sheets, climbing into bed and extending an arm towards me. I took his hand and climbed in beside him, curled up against his chest with his strong, soft arm around me. He smelled of pine soap, and I took a second to breathe him in. He slid the neck of my t-shirt down and placed a light kiss on my shoulder.

"Ты красивая и я люблю тебя." He whispered into my ear. When he spoke in Russian, it made his voice somehow even more beautiful. It became even richer and deeper, and I wanted to bottle up the sound and carry it around with me everywhere.

"What does it mean?" I whispered up at him, searching his eyes for clues.

"You're beautiful, and I love you." He smiled down at me.

I fell asleep wrapped in his arms, engulfed by the scent and feel of him.

When my eyes opened, I was still wrapped in his arms. Now, however, he held me tighter than before, as if he was afraid I would escape. Even though his eyes remained closed, a smile was frozen on his face. His hair was completely messed up, and I was fully in love with the adorable messiness of it all. I ran my fingers through his hair, smoothing it down.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Anna? Jasmine?" The voice of a chaperone came through the door. "I have to just check on you. Can you open the door so I can see you?"

I panicked. Oliver was still asleep, and he was so beautiful and peaceful looking. I shook his shoulder and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Oliver, wake up," I whispered, "You have to hide under the bed."

He opened his eyes and rubbed them with his fists, mumbling under his breath. "Be there in a second!" I shouted to the woman at our door, shaking Oliver harder. Finally, he began to roll until he thudded onto the ground beside the bed. I whispered to him to make sure he was ok, and received a mumble in response. I took this as a good sign.

Rushing to the door, I grabbed the doorknob to pull it open and come face to face with a smiling woman wearing a full red lip. She smiled brightly and said hi, asking my name. Once I told her, she asked for Jasmine.

"She realized she left her epi-pen in her friend's bag last night, so she went to get it this morning- I haven't seen her since she left about ten minutes ago." Jasmine and I had prepared this response in case we needed it, and I thanked God that we had. The woman nodded and said she'd come back to check again in half an hour, shutting the door behind her.

I walked back to the bed, and knelt beside it, wrapping my hand around Oliver's.

"Oliver, I'm serious. You need to get up now."

He groaned and instead pulled me down beside him and wrapped his entire body around me. I giggled and placed three kisses on his head, before whispering "I love you".

There was a small, "Я люблю тебя," that escaped his lips. I knew this one. I love you. 

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