...And Goodbye

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I sit in the secure holding bay of the Tyru, clutching Leila’s last gift like a lifeline. She gave it to me before I was led away by two armed guards, saying it would be good for me to have something to remind me of home. I did not have the heart to tell her that the Citadel would never be my home; all that is left of my real home and family is ash and cinders. I think I’ll keep the book, though. It'll give me something to do on the two week-long voyage ahead.

I’ve had no more input from the Voice. I think it’s sulking—or scheming. Either way, I’m glad to have a bit of peace to ponder what lies ahead. So far, it does not look promising. I was escorted onto the Tyru by two guards who told me to keep the Voice under control. I told them to try having another being sharing their brain, see if they could control it. That shut them up, but I think they were just worried I was about to unleash the Voice on their asses. If I did, what would they do? Shoot me?

I open the book at exactly the same moment as the ship’s engines start to hum like a hive of demented insects. I sigh at the thought of spending two weeks in this tiny, featureless cell which makes me feel like a criminal.

It is going to be a very long trip.

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