Chapter 23

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Your POV

I started into Peter's eyes and could only think about how much I despised him right now.  Before I could say anything to Peter, Jafar stood up and dusted himself off. Jafar yelled so loud it echoed the cave. "Who do you think you are, child!? I am the great Jafar! You can't just mind control me."

I turned around with two steps. I walked closer to him while saying, "You know what Jafar. I have a feeling this was your plan all along... Your a ruthless, evil, nasty person you know that?"

Jafar laughed like he didn't give a shit. Maybe about his plan going sideways, but not about his daughters anger. "Oh my Y/n. You just figured this out? You really thought I just wanted a daughter? No! I wanted an escape plan and Mary Margaret gave me you."

I was beyond hurt by his confession. My whole life all I wanted was parents to love me for who I truly was. Instead I got a father that just created me for his own shellfish needs.

It was my turn to make the cave shake. "Go back to your prison then! You did what you wanted!"

Jafar laughed again and said, "Oh child. I'm not going back there. My plan isn't finished just yet. Oh no... I will take over every world from here to earth!" Before he could keep talking, I grabbed his scepter in one hand. He was still holding onto it, but it was something special to him. He used it to control his powers. Look on his face portrayed two emotion. Shocked and confused. "W-what are your doing?!"

I concentrated very hard. I was angry and beyond the feeling of need. The scepter started turning black. Starting at where my hand laid on it. When Jafar realized I was taking his scepter he screamed, "Nooooo! STOP IT!"

I didn't stop. I concentrated more. The whole scepter was black and the red eyes it had, were now purple. A small blast came off the scepter, sending Jafar's hands off of it and himself to the ground.

Jafar looked at me from the ground horrified. "That's impossible!"

I answered with full responsibility of my powers now, "I'm impossible Jafar, and I sentence you back to your prison with no magic at all." Before Jafar could protest, I slammed the scepters bottom on the ground and the portal came back behind Jafar.

The portal sucked Jafar in with him screaming, "NOOOOOOO!" All the way into it until the portal vanished with Jafar in it. I stayed staring at where my father once was. My father Jafar was an evil man.

I don't like him or want him in my life anymore.

After a minute of thinking about his terrible betrayal, a hand was placed on my shoulder and it brought me back to reality. I turned around to see Peter staring at me. Oh right... he betrayed me too.

I didn't change my expression on my face. I just backed up quickly. I didn't want him touching me. Out of everybody in this world who could've betrayed me, I never expected him. I never expected the person I gave all my love to, take my heart and crush it into a million pieces. All in one day.

Most guys who end up to be dick heads give you hints that they are bottom feeders. They slowly show you their true colors. But Peter... he was always the same green and black aura. The dark aura I was okay with living for the rest of my life.

Never again.

He spoke softly, "Y/n please let me explain." I laughed loudly as a response. He really thinks he can say anything to change the outcome that's about to happen. Peter ignored my outburst, "I won't lie to you. What Jafar was the plan with me and you all along, but after watching you in the orphanage for all those years... I fell for you. I never admitted it, but I did fall for you long before you knew it ."

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