We All Fall Down

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...Ring Around The Rosie...

Ian was the first to snap. One day he just, broke. It might have been the rejection, or it could have been of depression, nobody knows. But now a silly pair of glasses can't fix Ian, for some toys cannot be fixed. He still remembered Lancy and Crainer's screams.

"Ian! Don't do this! Your better than this!" Lancy screamed, hanging upside down above lava beside Crainer.

"Please, Ssundee! I have a family to take care of!" The other one wailed in desperation.

The one being spoken to just smiled, and took a step closer to the ropes suspending them. Their cries of help and sadness were music to his ears. He wanted them to last forever, but he had to cut them short. Ian grabbed a small dagger, and began to slowly cut through Lancy's rope, humming.

"Lan-cy is falling down, falling down, falling down. Lan-cy is falling down, he shall D-ie."

He sand merrily, grinning ear to ear as the rope was cut, and the man was sent dropping, a last look of terror on his face, Crainer meeting the same fate soon after. He remembered something hard hitting the back of his head soon after, and blacking out.

He giggled as he sat in a white room covered in padding. The straight jacket tugged on his arms, preventing any movement. He was aware that the members of TC were watching him through one-way glass, but he didn't care.

"When will he get better?"

"I think you mean will he get better." A man with crimson eyes said sadly, gazing at his friends standing in the room.

"You've got to have hope!" One with sunglasses and a golden amulet stated.

"Yeah, Ty, he'll get better." Comforted a man in a spacesuit.

"It's been nine months, guys. Nine months." He whispered, walking out if the room.

...A Pocket Full Of Posies...

Seto gave in on despair soon after. But it wasn't his one reasons that he went insane from depression and rage....

"Seto, we have to talk to you." Sky said, standing at the sorcerer's door with the rest of TC, not including Ian.

"What is it guys, Im a bit busy working on a potion," The younger one trailed off, staring in confusion.

He noticed how Ty was at the back of the group, not meeting his gaze. It gave him an eery chill.

"It's just...... Your spells and potions are getting to dangerous, Seto, and we don't think you can be in Team Crafted anymore." Mitch said.

The sorcerer's heart started to un weave at that moment, and he was filled with dread.

"No! No no NO! I'll make my potions safer, I promise!" He wailed desperately, but Husky just shook his head. The deeds were already done.

They walked away, leaving Seto on his porch, before braking down into sobs.

"Seto! Stop this madness! I'm sorry!" Sky yelled as purple and silver magic shot around the yard, knocking around anything in its path.

But the Sorcerer didn't stop. He didn't want to stop. He can't stop. So the magic whirled faster, furled by rage and sadness.

"It's too late for that, Sky. You abandoned me when I needed you most!" He screamed, magic levitating him in the air, giving him a proper look of TC running around below him.

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