Better now?

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It's been four months since the accident, itachi, sasuke, and shisui now lived with obito and kakashi. Things have been fine, everything been kinda normal.

Everyone started picking sign language to communicate with itachi better, normally itachi could use a notebook. But they still all learned, itachi wasn't the same though.

He's become more shy and nervous, and can't stand big crowd. He also hasn't been getting much sleep, he usually wakes up due to nightmare of the crash, and spend hours crying about it.

They took him to the doctor and they treated him with posttraumatic distress order. He now needs to take medicine for it, and is slowly falling into depression, but he hides it.

Everyone all kept an eye on him, to make sure he won't do something stupid. Obito and kakashi own a three bedroom two bath house, obito and kakashi share the master bedroom. Sasuke had his own room, shisui and itachi shared the other room, it was a two story house. Itachi and shisui room was on the second floor and sasuke's and obito and kakashi's were on the first.

They have started to go back to school, and so far everything was good. Everyone would pity itachi and try there best to help him.

Other kids would think he's faking it, and they would pick on him and try to make him speak. Itachi would be scared and try to fight them off, but he wouldn't tell anyone.

He didn't want them to worry more about him, it was bad enough he can't talk and suffers for posttraumatic distress order.

Currently shisui was in the principal office, for pranking your English teacher isn't the best thing to do especially if you're a tenth grader.

" I am terribly sorry Mr. Namikaze, I will make sure to talk to him "

" Mr. Uchiha thank you and he will be doing two weeks of after school detention '

" Worth it "

" Sush shisui "

" Sounds like a reasonable punishment "

" Alright then, we're finished here "

" Thank you for your time principal Namikaze "

Obito and shisui were exiting the principal office, and see kakashi and sasuke outside waiting for them.

' so? "

" Two weeks of after school detention "

" Shisui how many times did we tell you, if you're going to prank some. Not leave evidence behind "

" Yeah, sorry '

" Where's itachi? "

" Huh?, Don't know I'll text him "

From: kakashi 😷📑

Itachi where are you?, School over

From: itachi 🍡🍡

I'm just asking my math teacher for help

From: kakashi 😷📑


" He's asking his math teacher for help "

" Shisui where's the math class for, eighth graders? "

" Follow me "

They all start to head to the math class, but see a group of boys laughing. Shisui recognized them as bullies, he never got along with them.

They turn the corner and see itachi heading to them, and he had a little bruise on his left cheek. Kakashi went into full momma mode, and went up to him and grabbed his cheeks.

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