sup my dudes

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Ok so about 6 months ago I broke my phone and had to get a new one well in that process I forgot passwords to like everything long story short I got a new Snapchat, Tumblr, wattpad all of it well today I found my old account and was reading through my old books

First off they are all






And second I found an old rant book

And not to toot my own horn but the damn rant book which was just missspeleed bull shit randomly slapped onto a page got more views then stories I worked my ass of on

And since then I've decided well if I want my other books on here to get recognised might as well start another one of these

So here we are

I'm sorry

Well regardless of how shitty this book is let me just say my last book was worse

My last book was wrote when I had just entered the Voltron fandom

And that was like the second anime I ever watched (is Voltron considered an anime Idk) my first was kiss him not me


Is a story for another time

I digress

So basicly I hadn't watched any other anime like bnha, haikyuu, or basicly any of them I have watched now

So I have a L O T more things to rant about

I'm so sorry for this honestly these will all be wrote late at night so don't expect a lot


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