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• date ; march 9, 2019
• place ; malibu, ca

knowing that angel was upstairs and i could hear her sobs, it broke my heart. i wanted to go up there and hug her, tell her everything was going to be okay. but i didn't, i wanted to give her space.

the sobs being too loud and worrying me, i decide to go outside and pick up the surfboards, towels, and angel's clothes. keeping my head down, looking at the yellow tan sand, some parts sparkling in the sun, i'm brought out of my thoughts from a voice.

"hey man." i turn around the guy from earlier standing in front of me. his arms crossed infront of his chest, trying to make himself look buffer. "yo." i tell him. plain, short and simple. already pissed off by his presence and the fact that he made angel have a breakdown.

"are you, like, dating angel?" his face making an uncomfortable expression. "yeah, i am, why?" my arms now being the ones crossed infront of my chest. "you do know—the kid's mine, right?"

my arms falling, not knowing it was him. the dumbass that left angel all alone to take care of a kid when she was only sixteen. "you piece of shit." i mumble to myself, slowly walking up to him my right arm coming up and punching him in the jaw.

he stumbles back holding his jaw, his left arm raising his punch coming towards me, before i raise my right arm and block his punch. i punch him again, not caring where my fist landed, making him stumble back.

he trips over nothing and i'm quick to jump on top of him to punch him. my arms flinging, my fist constantly colliding with his face. "grayson! no, no stop it!" i hear a voice and hands holding my biceps back. i stand up to turn around to be met with angel.

"angel." i say above a whisper, bringing her body towards mine, hugging her. "gray, stop." her hands coming to my chest to push me away. "what were you doing to him?" she asks me while kneeling beside the guy, putting his head on her lap.

the same firey feeling from earlier rising again inside my chest. "why do you care for him? he fucking left you alone. alone to raise a child." my finger pointing towards him while my attention was on her eyes.

her eyes slowly becoming more crystal like, knowing tears were coming. "it's none of your businnes, grayson." she tells me while looking down at him, caressing his face. "stop touching him."


"just stop touching him." my arms crossing across my chest for what felt like the one-hundreth time. his eyes slowly opening since i knocked him out. as he deserved it. "what happened?" his head coming up and angel holding onto his left bicep.

"hey, umm—i don't know, i was inside and then i cam out here and grayson was punching you." angels talks to him as if he had never done anything wrong. "are you okay?"

"my head hurts." he tells angel while she's standing up, helping him get up. this is total bullshit, what the fuck. "i'm heading inside." i murmur not trying to get either's attention.

once i shut the door, i take the surfboards throught the front door, tying them up on the bar on top of the jeep. i hop off and head to the living room where jake's still playing with his police car.

"hey bup, are you hungry?" his bright blue eyes looking up to mine. "yeth!" his arms flopping up and down. i chuckle reaching from under his armpits to rest him on my hip. "what do you want?" my hand opening one of the cabinets, being met with blankness and polished wood.

"fuck." i murmur, totally forgetting that we were going grocery shopping after we got in from the beach. "what dat?" jake asking me. "what's what, bup?"

"fuck, what you say." his tiny pointer finger pointing towards my persona. "um—bup, don't say it, okay? it's better that way." i tell him while kissing his cheek. "otay."

"let's get you changed and then we can go get food, okay?" his response was only nodding his head. after his head just falls on my shoulder, patiently waiting to get to his room. i open the door and see a bag with clothes in it.

knowing that angel brought jake some pijamas, i put those on him. the white fabric with dinosaurs printed on it going through jake's arms and head. "there you go, bup." i tell him while picking him up again.

stepping on the last step, i walk towards the kitchen again, getting a piece if paper and a pen. writing a note for angel, god knowing where the hell she is,

  i took jake with me. we went to the grocery store. be back in probs 30 - 35 mins.

the messy handwriting being written on the piece of paper. grabbing my wallet and keys, with jake on my hip, i open the front door walking down the driveway to the white jeep. i reach for the back door, putting jake in his car seat. buckling him in, connecting the two buckles.

"where momma?" i hear him say while i start the jeep. "she's—with a friend, bup. don't worry, she's okay." i tell him, mostly trying to reassure myself. god forgive me if that man does something to angel. "we're going to buy food, okay bup?"

the nickname for jake, already being memorized in my head, almost like an instinct. "yeth." his fire truck toy on his hand, entertaining himself. ten minutes later and we're in the parking lot, trying to find a place for the jeep.

making 'u-turns' and circling around, finally finding a spot near the front of the store. hopping out and unbuckling jake's car seat to get him out, i hug him and let him walk. his right hand coming up towards mine. making me hold his hand.

"your son is very cute!" an older woman tells me while i enter through the sliding doors, i turn around, "thank you." a small smile on my face.

i head towards the metal, grey colored shopping carts and grab one with my left hand. bending down to jake's level, picking him up from under his armpits, putting his legs through the holes. his face and body all in my direction, having my attention on him.

moving towards the fruit, i grab apples, grapes and oranges. i also order a pound of apple-smoked ham and wheat bread. "what do you like to drink, bup?" i ask jake while moving through the fruit and bakery section, moving to the drinks and meats.

"apo juz." his hands moving up and down, a big smile on his face, his tiny milk teeth on display. making a smile appear on my face as well. i grab two mini apple juice packs and water bottles.

i look down at my watch, the time reading 9:12.
damn, when did it get so late? time really does fly by. i grab other neccessities and head towards the cash register, ready to leave. "your son is very handsome." the register tells me, a smile plastered on her face.

"thank you, i love him a lot." i tell her, knowing that no one knows jake's not mine. "i love relationships like that. son and father." she tells me while scanning some items. "yeah, i do too."

( hello guys!! i hope you are all doing ok & are starting school again (ew) here's a chapter for u guys. almost a year of being gone, i deeply apologize. i don't know if i'll continue this book or come out with any other book, i'm so sorry but my passion for writing slowly became less & less & just a lot of things have been going on in my life, i'll try to finish this book & try to do my best. i love all of you so much. thank u so so much for literally taking time out of ur day to read my books, i can't put it into words. )

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