Chapter 9: Attack of the...?

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It’s time….”

Harry jolted awake, soaked in sweat. The high, cold voice echoed in his head, in beat with the throbbing pain of his scar. And in one sickening moment, he knew what was happening. Voldemort was coming here, to Hogwarts.

And they weren’t ready.

They had destroyed a locket, a goblet, a diadem, the ring…and of course, the diary Ginny Weasley had in second year. But there was more, he was sure of it. The snake was one, he knew. And the other….

They weren’t ready. It seemed as though virtually no plot had gone by in this story, and now Voldemort was headed to Hogwarts? It couldn’t be.

Harry grumbled under his breath, and Jack the monkey watched in concern as he drew his wand and cast a patronus.***

Dumbledore chuckled as the pirates crowded around the radio, listening to Celene Warback’s “You’re The Bezoar To My Heart”.  Suddenly, a silvery stag bounded in the room, startling the men.

“Voldemort…Hogwarts…” Harry’s voice drifted from the stag. Dumbledore stiffened.

“Hey, mate,” Jack said, peering at the patronus with interest, “Isn’t that the evil one you all have been looking for? How convenient! Just go and poke him with your stick, and we can all go home.”

Dumbledore looked somber. “I must get to Hogwarts.” He strode to the fireplace and tossed a handful of Floo powder into the crackling flames.

Captain Jack Sparrow glanced at his men. “Let’s save the day so we can get back to our treasure, eh, lads?”

And one by one, Albus Dumbledore and a crew of pirates headed to Hogwarts.***

Harry, Ron, and Hermione watched as the younger students were evacuated. The older ones all had grim looks of determination on their faces as the prepared to fight. The Order members rushed around, perfecting wards and preparing for battle.

Harry knew what he had to do. As the first explosions of battle rocked the castle, he slid under his Invisibility Cloak and slipped away.***

Jack Sparrow and his men surveyed the scene in front of them. Flashes of light crashed against each other as curses flew. He drew his sword. “Aye, mates, let’s kick some wizard arse, savvy?”

The crew cheered. Jack turned to battle…and his sword was immediately hit by a jet of red light. He stared at the melted blade for a moment before turning back to his men.

“On second thought, how about we just…RUN!” He took off. ***

Harry crept through the forest. He heard Voldemort’s voice ahead, and he braced himself. Pulling off the Invisibility Cloak, he braced himself and stared at Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Voldemort chuckled, raising his wand. And as the blast of green light hit Harry, causing his wand to be flung away as his body hit the ground, a monkey watched from the bushes. ***

Jack and his crew ran through the forest, panting as they crashed through the branches and stumbled into a clearing. They skidded to a stop.

A tall, extremely creepy man stood, surrounded by a group of equally creepy masked followers. Harry Potter lay on the ground a few feet away, dead.

Jack groaned. “Well, that’s just great.”

Voldemort turned to him, startled. “What is this?” he growled.

The pirate captain gulped. “Er, don’t mind us. We were just leaving….”

He backed away.

Voldemort chuckled cruelly. “I think not.” He raised his wand and began gliding toward Jack, who looked around frantically. He grabbed a rock.

“Avada Ked-” 

Jack threw the rock.

It bounced off Voldemort’s head.

Voldemort fell to the ground, dead.

Jack stared. “Huh.”

And in the bushes, Jack the monkey chattered happily, gnawing on the wand he had just used.

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