Will obeyed Tessa's command for a while, until they came to the countryside. Yes it was peaceful and the sky was a brilliant shade of blue. Tessa allowed herself to enjoy the moment, the two people she loved most were driving her threw the countryside. She smiled and hummed making Jem smile. Will was completely zoned in to his driving. He lived his life to please Tessa and if remaining silent and avoiding crashes pleased her than that was what she would do. Except this was the countryside and ducks live in the country side. Tessa and Jem were harmonising softly to The Beatles when suddenly Will better forward. Tessa was flung backwards and Jem too. Before Jem could speak, Tessa screamed from the back
"WILLIAM! You better have a good reason for this or I swear by the angel I will ban you from EVERYTHING!" Will looked at Jem who was looked at Tessa. Very carefully Jem whispered to Will
"Will...you really might want to-"
"Enough! James you stay out of this! William! Out! Now!" Will looked at Jem completely horrified. Sympathetically he patted Will on the shoulder and nodded
"Avoid eye contact" Will scoffed and out of the car, opening his arms
"Tessa, darling"
"Don't you darling me mister!"
"Look Tess I'm sorry ok? It was just an impulse! I can't kill them with horses but I can scare them"
"Kill what?" The colour drained from Will's face when Tessa said that. He looked at her dumbly and mumbled something under his breath
"Speak louder William"
"I killed the duck" Tessa looked at Will. Her face and eyes nearly exploding with anger. Will looked at her then called softly
"Jem..I really think you should come out here" Jem laughed and stepped out then looked at the pair
"You're driving" she instructed Jem
"You are going to show Will how to drive properly" Jem nodded and slipped into the front seat. Will took the passenger seat next to him and Tessa returned to her seat in the back.
The drive back to London was more peaceful and less disastrous. Will would point out places or things and ask Jem what they where, and Jem always replied in his patient tone. But if he was stuck he'd ask Tessa. The trio eventually found themselves back at Tessa's house and made their way back in and it was rest assured in their minds, they would never forget the day Will learnt to drive