
39 6 10

Thomas walked outside, a plate with a sandwich in his hand. 

The afternoon sun gleamed off the water and the boats out on the water. 

The family pontoon- which he launched into the water earlier that day with help from Chuck- floated peacefully beside the dock. 

His clothes were still damp from launching and he didn't really feel like changing out of them. The wet material on his skin felt cool and repelled the summer heat.

As he sat down at the patio table, he heard a clack come from the dock. 

Thomas squinted at the dock, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

Before he turned his attention back to his sandwich and crossed it off as his imagination, he watched as a rock came up out of the water and landed on the wood. 

He quickly stood up and jogged over to where the rock landed. 

It was small enough to fit in his palm, speckled pinks and greys glistening from the drops of water on it. 

Another rock came up, this much smaller, and landed at his feet. 

Curiously, Thomas peered over the edge of the dock to see the face again. 

The sunlight filtering into the water gave the illusion that their hair was glowing as it floated peacefully around their face that had somehow burned itself into Thomas' memory. 

He could make out more of their body this time, observing a lithe frame and toned arms. 

"Hi again." 

They grinned. 

"What's your name?" 

The grin morphed into a half frown, conflict written all over their face. They shook their head.

"You can't tell me?" 

They shook their head again. 

"That's alright, you don't have to," Thomas sat down. "Sorry about my brother jumping in yesterday."

The smile returned to their face.

"His name's Chuck, he's a total sweetheart."

They nodded, floating a little closer to the surface.

"He's over at his friend's house right now," He gestured to the left. "They're down that way, on the lake."

Thomas sighed, wishing that they could communicate, but he didn't want to pressure them into something they didn't feel comfortable with. 

They seemed to pick up on his change in mood, furrowing their brow and tilting their head.

"Don't worry about it." he said quickly, putting on a grin. 

They didn't look convinced. 

Thomas opened his mouth to say something else, but stopped when he saw them look over their shoulder, then back to him with an apologetic look on their face.

They gestured towards themself before pointing back towards the center of the lake, a frown pulling at their lips. 

"You have to go?"

They nodded.

"Well, I won't keep you any longer. Maybe I'll see you later?"

The smile returned to their face and they nodded again, this time with what Thomas perceived as excitement.

"Then I'll see you later." 

They waved before disappearing back into the darkness of the lake.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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