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I was sad to be going my separate way after lunch. I had music but Cassie had art. Although I didn't have Cassie, Niall and Liam were both in the class so I wouldn't be completely alone. They showed me the way to the class and I felt like I was already becoming familiar with the school. Once we got into the class I introduced myself to the teacher when the hair began rising on the back of my neck. I didn't have to look to know who just walked in.

"Harry, Louis, I'm glad to have you two back in my class again." Mr. Tompkins said.

I glanced between Harry and Louis who were both staring at me with cold eyes. I smiled shyly and took my seat by Liam as they continued a conversation with the teacher. We basically did nothing all class, since it was the first day but I noticed how slack Mr. Tompkins was so I knew I would enjoy this class. I wasn't musically inclined at all though.

Finally the bell rang and the day was over. I walked out of the class and became completely lost, Niall nor Liam were nowhere to be found so I wandered aimlessly through the hallways looking for my locker. Not one hundred percent paying attention to where I was going, something hard hit my shoulder and sent me crashing to the ground, hard.

"Watch it." I heard someone say harshly.

I squinted my eyes trying get rid of the stinging pain in my lower back. I looked up to see Harry looking at me with a very angry look on his face.

"Sorry I-"

"Save it, just watch where you're going to next time." he hissed, cutting me off.

I furrowed my brow, confused at his aggression towards me.

"I'm sorry, here." his friend Louis said, extending his hand. I smiled and took his offer and he helped me off the floor. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Apparently everyone has accents here.

"Yeah, I think. Just a little lost." I laughed. "Can you point me in the direction of locker 404?" I asked.

"Just keep going straight and take your first right, its down that hallway." Louis said.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"No problem love."

I gave Louis one last smile before glancing at Harry who still had that furious expression on his face. I followed the directions Louis gave me and finally found my locker. Once I got outside my dad was waiting for me.

"How was the big first day?" he asked as I climbed into the car.

"It was good!" I said.

"Meet any cool new people?"

I instantly thought of Harry.

"Yeah, you could say that. I sighed.

When I got home, I instantly called a my best friend from New York Candice to tell her about my day. She was my rock, she got me through absolutely everything. We were both upset when I told her I was leaving to be with my dad, but we also knew that it was for the better. After talking for an hour or so my dad called me downstairs for supper but realized we were missing a few things so I offered to run to the store. It was a chance for me to explore a little bit.

I pulled on my boots and jacket and headed to the store. The town of Ravens Creek wasn't very big at all, so coming from the big apple, it took a bit of getting used too. The sun was setting and an uncomfortable feeling fell over me. It was getting windy and cold. I picked up my pace and hurried to the store.

I grabbed the items on my dads list quickly and rushed out of the store. As soon as I stepped outside, something didn't feel right. I looked around me before continuing back home but everything seemed normal. As I was getting closer and closer to my house, it felt like someone was watching me. I quickly turned around but there was no one there. I eyed my surroundings suspiciously before I continued walking. Although I couldn't see anything or anyone, my stomach was uneasy the entire time with the terrifying feeling of being watch. My pace increased slightly so I could get back quickly. As I turned onto my driveway I heard a branch snap over near the bushes.

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