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I couldn't sleep that night. I tossed and turned all night, this constant feeling of anxiety looming over me. I've only been here for a week and something already feels off. I almost get this feeling that someone is watching me in my sleep, but I knew it was just my mind playing tricks on me.

The rest of my weekend was quiet. My dad took me around town and showed me some of the historic sites which wasn't exactly the highlight of my weekend. I was almost looking forward to school today.

My schedule started with a free period and I couldn't think of a better way to start a Monday morning. When I got to school I met Cassie and Kylie in our usually spot on the grass under a tree outside school. It wasn't raining today but it wasn't sunny either.

"Hey girls!" I smiled sitting on the grass.

"Hey Brooke, you going to the dance on Friday?" Cassie asked.

"I didn't know there was one."

"It's just the Fall formal! Please go Brooke." Kylie begged.

"Yeah sure!" I smiled.

The girls told me all about what they're wearing and who I should go with. We lost track of time and all three of us ended up running in different directions to our classes. I lost Cassie who I had class with so I was stuck by myself. I still wasn't sure on how to navigate my way through the school. I turned a corner to see Niall and Harry in a heated argument. I quickly backed up so they wouldn't hear me.

"Why is he here? He's your friend isn't he?" Niall barked.

"I don't know and he's not my friend!" Harry fired back.

"What does he want? He wouldn't just come back here for no reason.."

"Again, I don't know Niall. But I'll find out."

"He was near her last night, I could smell his stench off her." Niall said.

"Why were you with her?"

"That's not the point Harry, answer my question."

"I'll figure it out, I'm sure he doesn't want much."

I stood there confused, I was told those two hated each other.

"You know it's not polite to eaves drop." Harry said snapping me from my thoughts.

I looked up to see Harry standing in front of me, leaning against the wall.

"I wasn't, I-I was tying my shoe." I mentally slapped myself for the horrible lie.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"What class do you have?" he asked me.

"Physics with Mr. Baker-"

"I'll walk with you." Harry said. I scrunched up my face at his random act of kindness. "Just accept it Brooklyn." he smiled.

"It's Brooke!"

"Come on." he sighed.

"So are you going to the dance on Friday? I asked.

"I'm not going with you."

"Don't flatter yourself Harry, I'm just trying to make conversation."

"I don't do dances." he said.

"Can't dance?" I smirked.

"I just don't do dances."

"Okay then Mr. Grumpy pants."

I scoffed and sped up a little bit, hoping I could remember the way. I didn't feel Harry's presence next to me so I turned around. Harry had a cocky smirk plastered across his face.

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