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Ryan wasn't coming home, and it was scaring me. Was he still stalking us to see if we really broke up or not? Did he change his mind and decided to hurt San anyway? If he asked me to break up with San, why was he not coming to torture me? It was weird.

I hear the noise of a notification and looked at my phone. It was Wooyoung, asking me to meet him before going to my lesson. He said it was really important and he couldn't wait. My mind went to San right away. Did something happen to him? Is that why Wooyoung wanted to see me? The fact that Ryan had been so quiet, only made me worry more.

When I arrived at the university, I walked to the class Wooyoung said he would meet me in. When I arrived in there it was still empty, so I sat down on the first desk, and waited for him, anxiously bouncing my leg.

The door opened and I basically jumped up, but it wasn't Wooyoung who came in. San entered the room and ran to me, taking me in his arms. I was confused and I tried to push him away.

《San...》 I tried to say, but he cut me off

《Wooyoung's in front of the class and the rest of the boys are around the corridor and the school, checking everyone to make sure no one notices us》 he said

I closed my eyes and sighed in defeat. Wooyoung must have told him the truth. He hugged me tighter, as if I would disappear if he let go.

《San, let me go》 I begged

He stepped back a little to look at me, but kept his hands on me.

《I'm not leaving you》 he said 《I'm not leaving you to suffer with Ryan》

《This is not about me》 I said, angry 《It's about you. He's gonna hurt you, San. I can't let that happen》

《You want to protect me, and I want to protect you》 he replied 《The only way we can succeed in doing both, is by helping each other》

A tear fell down my eye and he wiped it away.

《I'm sorry about my harsh words》 he said, sad 《I was upset and I couldn't think clearly about what was happening. I should have realized sooner that it was Ryan's fault》

《I should be the one apologizing. I said so many hurtful things》

《I'm not mad at you》

《But I hurt you》

《I understand why you did it》 he assured me 《It doesn't hurt anymore》

《I love you》 I confessed 《I should have said it-》

I couldn't finish the sentence because he cupped my cheeks and kissed me. The kiss was soft and salty, because of my tears.

《I love you too》 he whispered

《What do we do now?》 I asked

《First of all, we need to report him to the police》 San said 《They will need you to testify, but since Ryan is probably still watching you, I'll try to go there alone and talk to the police to see what we can do》

I nodded.

《When are you going?》 I asked

《I'm going there now》 he replied 《I don't have important lessons today so I can skip them》

《Are you sure you want to do that alone?》

I was worried that Ryan might be still following him too.

《It's okay, don't worry about me》 he replied 《But I don't want you to be alone, so after your lessons one of the boys will come pick you up. If you can, always be with at least one of them. I'll feel a bit better knowing they're with you》

my sweet savior ; choi sanWhere stories live. Discover now