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We waited for half an hour. I think Gilinsky and Leigh were sitting on the ramp and Mal and JJ were somewhere in the stands. We were waiting for about a half an hour now, watching the police come in and out of the gym, talking to each other to the teachers. I still didn't know who got shot, or where Caroline, Maddie, and Stacy are. Finally, the chief stepped forward, holding his hands up for silence.

"For all of you wondering, the shots that were fired were made and hit. I'm sorry to say that you have lost the life of Meghan Lance. Also, the lives of Caroline Summers and Madeline Brooks. We were not able to catch the others, but we are letting you go. Everyone needs a parent to be able to leave. Teachers will be checking at all exits." I leaned back. Did I feel happy that Caroline and Maddie were gone? Or guilt? They threatened me, my friends, almost killed us. I felt empty. Sam leaned forward.

"Are you ok?"

"I don't know. I just want to go home." He nodded and we stood up. He wrapped his arms around me and while the parents flooded in, looking for their children. I suddenly realized that my stupid parents were thousands of miles away.

"Sammy, I can't leave, I don't have a parent."

"Here, come with me. My mom will check us out." He guided us around, looking for his mom.

"Sam, thank god!" Lori said running over to us. She hugged him tightly for a while. I tried to smile but I couldn't. These were parents. When was the last time mine called me? Or checked in? Or hugged me, or kissed me goodnight? I couldn't even remember. I looked around and all over there were hugs and tears and kisses. Even Mr and Mrs Gilinsky were hugging JJ and Mallory like they were their own. I saw JJ's parents doing the same to Gilinsky and Leigh. I felt some tears slide down my face. All I wanted were my parents.

"Taylor?" Lori looked at me. I pulled my attention back and she hugged me super tight. She kissed me on the forehead.

"Come on sweetie, we are going to take you home." I nodded and Sam held my hand while Lori went to talk to a police officer.

"I'm checking out Sam Wilkinson and Taylor Jennings, my name is Lori Wilkinson." He eyed us.

"Sam can go, not the girl. She needs her parents."

"Her parents are halfway across the country." Lori said.

"I'm sorry. Unless you are a guardian or legally living with the girl, we can't let you go."

"Listen here. I'm leaving with both, or we will stand here until you change your mind. Taylor practically lives with us anyways and she is like my daughter. You let her go, or we will stand here." Lori looked the officer straight in the eye, daring him to look away. He glanced at the three of us and looked back at the sheet.

"Fine, go." We thanked him and walked out.

"Damn mom, nice going." Sam said.

"Thank you. I don't know what I would have done without you." I was shaking slightly and Sam wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Of course dear. We are going home, and you are going to stay there until I decide you will go home." She hugged me. I nodded.

"Now, explain what happened." We got in the car and the entire way back to Sam's, we told her as much as we could. Halfway through, my phone rang. I picked it up.


"Taylor? Thank god are you ok? Are you hurt? What happened?" Mahogany's voice came through.

"No, I'm ok physically. Everything's fine. How did you know?"

"Mama Wilk got a call and Matt overheard. He called Nash who told Cam who told Hayes who called Johnson who confirmed it and Hayes told me. Where are you? I can pick you up."

Build me up, tear me down (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now