Sometimes Secrets are better staying secret

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Later, I lied on Sam's bed, my head on his chest, his arm wrapped around my waist. We were watching a movie and Matt left in search of Carter. I love Carter and Matt, they have such a cute relationship. Like Jack and Jack and Sammy. Sammy sort of fell asleep and I went on Instagram and took a picture of Sammy and I. I posted it and my phone exploded with comments and likes instantly. It was so quiet and peaceful and...loud? I frowned and the door of the hotel room burst open. I felt Sammy jerk up.

"Next time Carter, don't do something so stupid! Keep it away and out of sight!"

"Matt, I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't change it. Don't you ever ask me to pick sides again." The door slammed and Matt stomped over and grabbed some chairs and stacked them against the door. I looked at Sam and he looked totally startled.

"Matt, what are you doing?" I asked carefully. He came back to the his bed and laid on it.

"Carter has a girlfriend."


"It's Maggie, and he and Hayes were in a fight and Carter literally asked me to pick sides."

"What? Come on Matt, Hayes and Carter will get over it." Sam said.

"I don't think so. Carter kicked Hayes out of their room."

"What was the fight about?"

"Hayes knew about Carter and Maggie and he said something. Carter way overreacted it and started in on Hayes. Look it's on Twitter." I pulled out my phone and Sam looked over my shoulder. I read it outloud.

"Hayes is so immature. He needs to grow up."

"Matt, they will get over it."

"Just, stop talking to me. I don't want to hear anything about Carter." He put his pillow over his head and closed his eyes. I looked at Sam and told him that I was going to go. I kissed him and went back to my room.

Later, there was a knock on our door. I opened it and Sam was standing there.

"Taylor can I talk to you?" I closed the door.

"I have been keeping something from you, it's not bad, but you should know cause she's coming." This was it.

"Did you..."

"Oh god, no. I have been in check with your doctor. About the eating thing. I want you to go back to see her when we are home."


"You're loosing weight again."

"Sam, I'm eating, I promise." He looked at me and I nodded for effect.

"Swear on my life." He groaned.

"Fine." I gave him another kiss.


*Jack Johnson's POV*
My head is bugging me. Actually, since Jack punched me. I tilted my head to the side. It really hurts. I took some Advil and laid down. I closed my eyes and let darkness turn me.

*Jack Gilinsky's POV*

I yawned and opened my eyes. It was 10 and I was still exhausted from all the surfing I did yesterday. I glanced at Jack, he was still asleep. I grabbed my phone and saw twenty text messages. Most from Hayes and Carter.

Hayes-Is anyone else up? I need to go for a run
Carter-Me, but no way in hell do I want to breath the same air as you and yeah you do need a run
Hayes-Seriously still?
Carter-That was not called for last night
Hayes-And neither is this, you are blowing this way out of proportion
Carter-No I'm not you childish little bitch
Nash-Dude, leave my bro alone

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