Magcon Tour Two

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Weeks later, I sat bored in Sam's room. Neither Sam or Lori would let me go home yet. We leave for Magcon tonight. Cam, Nash, JJ, Gilinsky, Leigh, Carter, Taylor, Lox, Sam Pottorff, and JC had already gone about two weeks ago. The rest of us were packing up. Mallory and Leigh got permission, however none of the parents were happy that their daughters were spending the next month away with a whole group of boys and their boyfriends. Even though I explained that we would be too busy to do anything, they still weren't totally on board with it. Sam was currently trying to get all of his hair stuff together. The time this boy spends on his hair was ridiculous. After living with him for a while, I learned that Sam needs like thousands of products on his hair. Gel, stuff so he doesn't play with it, countless other products. Honestly, I think it takes him longer on his hair then it does for me to get dressed, and trust me it takes me a while. I heard a knock on the door downstairs. I sat for a while before I heard it again. I had forgotten that Lori wasn't here.

"Sam! Do you want me to get that?" I called to him. He stuck his head out of the bathroom.

"Get what?"

"The door..."

"Oh, yeah." I jumped up and ran downstairs. I opened the door. Some random guy I had never seen before was standing at the doorway. He looked about my age.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Oh sorry. Usually I would just let myself in, but Lori got kinda pissed at me last time since I came in at like 3 in the morning. Not my fault I don't sleep."

"Are you looking for Lori?" I was a little confused.

"Nah, Sammy. Is he here?" I nodded and walked to the staircase.

"SAM! SOMEONE'S HERE!" I yelled. He came down like a minute later.

"Have you seen my backup gel? I can't find it!" He looked stressed and I didn't want to laugh.

"Well, go to the door and I'll help you after ok?" He kissed my cheek then walked to the door.

"Nate freaking Maloley, is that you?"

"Hey Sammy." Sam laughed and he hugged him. Obviously I missed something.

"What's going on dude! When was the last time? Seriously, you don't visit anymore! I started to think you forgot about me! Here, come in!" Sam closed the door behind him.

"Obviously, too long. Congrats Sammy boy, you managed a girlfriend. Who is this?"

"This is Taylor. Tay, this is like my best friend."

"Oh hi!" I said. He nodded at me.

"So what's going on? Where have you been?"

"Around. Trying to find someone to support my music."


"Of course I found someone! Why would I be back if I didn't?"

"Dude, that's awesome!"

"No, what's awesome is I found someone to support the both of us! I showed him "Nothing to a King" and he was seriously impressed. He wants to sign the both of us!" Wait Sam sang? How did I not know that?

"Really? Me too?" Sammy looked shocked.

"Yeah! He was certain that the way we worked together would attract a ton of people. So bro, what's up with you?"

"Well, you remember the Jacks right?" He asked.

"Gilinsky and Johnson? Yeah why?"

"So they have been getting pretty big with their vines and their singing and rapping. They are going on tour with some other vine boys. Taylor and I went last time, and we are going again."

Build me up, tear me down (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now