Chapter Twelve -- Isolate

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Chapter Twelve -- Isolate

Under the water, I felt comfortable, at home, peaceful. At any time, my lungs could run out of air and I could start to suffocate and drown. The thought of choking is almost relieving because it means that it's almost over. Finally over.

My eyes opened and I stared at the surface above me, contemplating my choices. Her face, wavered in the ripled water. A smile, so pure and innocent. A reason.

I resurfaced above the water and met Aria's stance on the large rock where I left her.

"You're crazy," Aria's shocked face fell into a grin.

"Maybe," I called out. "Don't you ever want to just be a little crazy sometimes?"

She smiled and tilted her head, considering her options. "I don't have a bathing suit." She pulled back her tank top strap and looped her thumb under her bra strap, revealing her bare shoulder. I couldn't tell if she was trying to tease me purposely.

"That didn't stop me."

She laughed and shook her head. "That's different. Those are practically shorts." She pointed to the water in front of me.

I threw my body backwards allowed myself to float over top of the water, feeling content with myself. I looked above to see nothing but tree branches with pine needles all throughout some, while others sported fresh green leaves that'd soon turn red and yellow before dying. The sun peaked through, giving a radiant glow over top of the water.

"I guess I'll just enjoy the moment myself." I told the sky nonchalantly.

I heard her mumble to herself, quiet enough that I couldn't hear what she was saying.

I looked back and noticed her unbuttoning her blue jeans. "Turn around," She motioned a circle with her finger.

I smirked, obeying orders and turned my body the opposite way. The ruffling of clothes was tempting to break her orders.

"Okay," She said.

I turned around and feel taken aback.

Fucking hell.

She was wearing nothing but a black laced bra with the same colored underwear that hung high on her hips and showed most of her ass. Her body looked better without clothes. My stomach started to spin, a sudden feeling of desire.

"Hm," I mused to myself.

If things were different, I'd have been all over her.

I couldn't help but notice her delicate blush as I held my gaze, admiring her toned stomach. She had an unapologetic confidence to her and didn't try to cover herself up. She stood there, unguarded and I found it strangely alluring. "Eee... Okay," She said while eyeing the water and shaking out her hands from the quivering nerves.

Aria vibrated her lips and took a deep breath before leaping gracefully toward the water and immediately disappearing underneath. A shriek greeted me as she resurfaced, her pouting lips grinning from ear to ear. "It's freezing!" She exclaimed as her long, wet hair danced in the water while she ventured into the unknown.

Aria swam in a circle, absorbing the view in front of us, giving off a tranquil expression, lost in her own thoughts. "It's so beautiful," She whispered in awe as her face fell into a meditative expression.

Beautiful indeed.

The two of us floated our bodies over top of the gentle swaying ripples, letting the water drift us in any direction it wished us to take. Her feet were at my head, my head at her feet. The silence between us was comfortable. The scenery was just that serene; there was no words.

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