Chapter 42. Brain-Dead

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Graphic scenes, etc. If you read this far you should know what to expect, c'mon.

Chapter Forty-Two: Brain-Dead

"Oh, fuck! Yes!" She moaned persistently loud.

I sighed while I continued to pound in her aggressively.

"Yes, mm, don't stop," She begged while pushing her ass against my hips to deepen my dick in her pussy. "Please," She moaned.

I grunted. Would she ever shut the fuck up?

I grabbed the back of her neck roughly and pushed her head down into the bed in front of us. I buried her face into the bed top and held her head there by clumping her blonde hair in my fist.

Fuck me, I thought to myself. She's still moaning excessively loud.

It was getting on my nerves.

I pushed her face deeper into the bed while speeding up my pace.

Then, without warning, I pulled out of her, annoyed.

She moaned at the swift contact, then finally silenced herself.

I let her go and stepped back into the dim lighting of my hotel room.

"Wh-" She began

"Get out," I said.

Her eyebrows knit together. "What?"

I lit a smoke and pulled my pants up.

"You heard me."

She had a look of pure confusion. She was an idiot. "Did... Did you even? Why-"

"You serve no purpose to me," I stated. "Get the fuck out."

I turned my body away from her and dumped a pile of cocaine on the table in the corner and started to chop lines with my credit card.

"How could you say something like that?" She huffed. I could hear the ruffling of her scrambling her clothes back on.

I didn't answer but I heard mutters under her breath while I bent down and snorted a thick line of white heaven.

I couldn't focus with her loud mouth screaming in my ear. It was meant to be a distraction from the misery of this hotel room, but instead I achieved blue balls. Perfect.

The line of blow made my face numb.

With a hazy mind, I floated myself on top of the bed and instantly regretted it. It smelled like the stranger I met earlier today.

I groaned.


"Eli!" She cried. "Stop!" She screamed out.

Lacey's eye's pooled out water, streamed waterfalls down her face. Her face, scrunched up and defenseless while sobbing. She was terrified.

"Eli, please!" She cried again. "It's me! It's Lace!"

I couldn't even recognize my own actions. It was blurry. The main focus was her petrified features.

"What did I do?!" She cried. "What did I do wrong... Please stop!" She sobbed.

I let her crumble to the ground as she looked up into my dead eyes.

Eyes, growing wider in shock, she let out a brooding scream.

My eyes snapped open, faced with nothing but the ceiling above me in the dark room. I didn't even remember falling asleep.

I hadn't thought about them in a long time.

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