The Intruders

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Peter Parker here! I'll make this short so we can get right into the story. WE HIT 8.6K READS TODAY! You all are wonderful! I love you! Spidey hugs for all!

On to the story!

The alarms began to blare. Those in the conference room who knew what they meant, including myself, stood up and shared the same look. 'What is it this time?'

Those who didn't know the meaning of the alarm began to look around worriedly. Flash was the first to speak. "What the hell is going on?!"

The Avengers went into action after that. Steve began to give orders. "Nat you round the kids up in the corner and make sure no harm comes to them. Everyone else, suit up!"

The Avengers began to run out of the room as Nat rounded the Decathalon Team up in the corner. Mr. Stark walked over to me and began to whisper. "Stay here. Only suit up if absolutely necessary, do you understand me? Nod if you understand."

I nodded.

He pat me on the back and walked over to a panel in the wall. He placed his hand on a secret sensor and it began to scan him. FRIDAY's voice rang out. "Tony Stark confirmed. Nanotech suit on the way."

After a second, a compartment opened up and there was an arc reactor sitting in there. Mr. Stark picked it up, placed it on his chest and gave it a tap.

The nano suit began to form around him as the students stared in awe.

Once the suit was formed, Mr. Stark took one last look at me and then left the room.

Everything was quiet.

Too quiet.

What the hell was going on out there that could make it this quiet?!

About 15 minutes of quiet passed by until we finally heard creaking in the hallway.

Natasha stood up from where she was crouched and silently told us to be silent. She began to walk over to the door, not making a sound on the way over.

That's when the door swung open and a group of people dressed in black suits, holding guns came walking in. Natasha began to fight them.

One guy was thrown unconscious infront of me. Thats when I saw the patch on his sleave.


When I looked back up that's when I knew things were going wrong. Four people were holding Nat, while another began to walk towards her. He held up the butt of his gun and slammed it down on her head.

Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, our only defence was unconscious.


They dropped her to the floor and began walking towards us. They raised their guns and stood around the entire Decathalon team.

One man raised his arm up to his mouth and began to speak into the communication divice. "We found the group. Interrogation about to commence."


The same man walked forward and began to speak to the group. "We have intell that Spiderman is in this group. If you give yourself up now no one will be harmed."

I stayed silent.

Mr. Stark will be here soon. The Avengers will be here soon. Natasha will wake up soon. I'm sure of it.


The Hydra agents became impatient as the clocked ticked by with no answer.

The man in charge did a hand signal to one of his comrades and suddenly the man moved. He moved to grab a student. He held a gun to the students head.

The student was MJ.


The leader spoke again. "I'm going to say this one last time. Reveal yourself and no one gets hurt."


I stood up.

"Let. Her. Go."

The leader turned to me. Everyone in the room was silent.

The leader spoke. "And just what are you going to do, boy?"

I smirked.

I shot a web at MJ and pulled her out of the Hydra agent's grasp and into my own.

MJ looked at me. She said two words that I will never forget.

"I knew."

Figures that MJ already knew. Typical MJ and her observational skills.

Now is NOT the time to get distracted!

I put MJ back in the group and grabbed my spider drone out of my pocket.

Thanks to my ideas and Mr. Stark's genius, I created my own little "arc reactor".

I placed the spider on my chest and tapped on it.

The Iron Spider suit began to form around me.

I heard a few gasps from the Decathalon Team, especially from Flash. I ignored them for now and began to fight.

Thank you everybody for joining me in this new chapter of my life. The author is not great with battle scenes, so she is going to take her time to write this next chapter. She wants it to be as great as she can make it. Love you all and thanks for reading! Spidey out 🕸✌

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