Guiding Teachers

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🕊  Spirit Channelled Words

        We are pleased to be here at this time to speak to you.
And be representatives of the hole.
We want you to know that we are here to assist you.  And help you in your growth and development.
Special opportunity. ...
We want you to know that it's important for you to know that we are here for you.
Thee greater good. ...
It is hard not to seize this moment to speak to you directly from higher consciousness. Want you to know this is important for all those who are connecting at this moment.
Something forthcoming.
Goodness. ...
Is important you know. ...
Guide you and assist you. ...
Greater good.

You adore those of whom you serve to protect.
Serve and vibrate love out to those whom are listening to your words. Your love is great, your love is vast. You care for all of those whom are living on the planet and beyond. You are the keeper of the garden. Thee one of whom has created all of whom are living on the planet.
You are a creator.
You emanate pure love out to the planet and the humans that inhabit the planet.
You are a loving being.
You constantly emanate love out in waves out to the colonies that inhabit the universe.
Love goes beyond all.
You are a loving soul. Who pulsates love out constantly to the planet. You are the keeper of the garden in which you have created. You are a creator and you have created much.
You love all of which you have created. You constantly are emanating pure sweet love out to the vast many whom inhabit the planet. You are a glowing light of caring vibration that emanates within. You care for those whom inhabit the planet. You are a caring soul. That truly loves all of which is inhabiting the planet.
You are a creator. You are here to admit loving vibrations out to the universe and the planet. The planet is here for you and you are here for the planet.
The planet wants you to know that it intern loves you as well. It enjoys the loving in brace that you constantly emanate towards it. It is aware of your presence. Your presence is key to thee operation that is occurring on the planet. We are here to help increase the loving vibration of the vast few who are interested in increasing their vibration to a higher level. We want you to know that we are here for you. We are here to care for you. Love you and embrace you with all the love that we are. We are here to open up doors and avenues that allow you to journey along with us in increasing thee loving vibration of the planet and all of whom inhabit thee planet. We need to help increase the loving vibration to all of those whom are interested in increasing thee loving vibration throughout thee universe as well as within themselves. In turn, they will affect others and colonies will arise in clusters. And then intern together an even stronger more powerful loving vibrations will go out to the higher plane of existence that in which will be created. peace and love and contentment will flood their beings.
They will then truly feel in every way that they are one with one another literally be conglomerated together as a group and be one.
One mind one purpose one. ...
and this will feel. ...
There will be a great contentment.
Great peace.  Comradery will arise. After this stage, they will then transcend together up to another higher vibrational being. But knowing and having thee signature of where they once came from. Which was on the loving earth. That they once began and transcended from. They themselves will then emanate pure love back together as one towards earth knowing that they were once those of whom that were on earth. And their love is stronger and greater and appreciative and understanding more than most other being because they have transcended from a human state. They will stay and hold their position at a higher vibration and emanate love pure love true love down to the earth.
Caring loving vibration they are strong as a whole.
They are all one and all of them are pointing towards earth and sending love to earth.
End of session.

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