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Do more of thee things that make you happy. As you do more of thee things that make you happy. More things will come your way. Which will increase your vibrational frequency. Know what it is that makes you happy. Gravitate towards things that make you happy. As you gravitate towards thee things that make you happy more things will gravitate your way. You will begin to know truly what makes you happy.
What it is that makes you happy is thee direction in which you should gravitate towards. There are certain highlights in your life that must occur. Certain things are meant to happen. These things are set in place. They are set in place because you have chosen to have these things occur. They will happen at set times. Whichever path you choose these certain events will occur. Certain events will happen as you move through your life. It is important to grow learn and evolve and become more awakened. As you become more awakened you have an innate knowing of what your purposes is.
We are here to guide you through your transformation.
As you adjust to our frequency and allow thee energy to flow it will become more natural. Allow the energy to flow and relax the body.
Be kind to yourself, know that you are capable of being connected to us. We wish only goodness and kindness in your direction 'goodness and kindness' matching our frequency is key to a strong connection. Know our frequency just as you know certain smells around you recognize it and take in the frequency.
You have blockages and it is important to eat energy foods.
This will help with thee . ...
Energy foods will help with thee alignment of your body.

I feel the energy throughout my body.

We are detoxifying your body and replacing it with our energy.
Giving you free-flowing energy. It is important to cleanse the body. Your body is your vessel your body is also your tool to become more awakened. Love and appreciate your body. Be kind to yourself.
Know what it is that makes you happy and gravitate towards it this will increase your vibrational frequency which will help you find thee things in which make you happy. It is important to care for yourself deeply caring for every part of you helps increase your vibrational frequency. And allows you to become more awakened. Become more in thee vibrational frequency in which you wish to attract into your life. Attracting what you want into your life helps increase thee vibrational frequency to more of a level in which you desire. Know what it is that makes you happy. And remain in that frequency as you remain in that frequency you will become comfortable in that frequency. You will create more happiness in your life as you continue to stay in a higher vibrational frequency you will begin to feel comfortable in this frequency. In an more heightened and alert frequency a more balanced and intuned a more balanced frequency. You will become more aware of what it is that makes you happy. Stay in this frequency stay alert to what it is that makes you happy. Be aware that you are constantly transmitting thee frequency in which you are holding out into thee universe. We are constantly transmitting our frequencies to you.
You only receive our frequency as your frequency. If you are allowing love into your life. As you choose to allow love into your life you will pick up on our frequency and it will aid in your ascension to a higher vibration. Keep thee flood gates open and you will feel our loving vibration we are here to assist.
Open your mind and you're heart and know that we are here.
We want only good for the planet and all in which inhabits thee  planet. We care deeply for thee planet and those of whom which inhabit thee planet. Know that your body is a vessel. Love the body in which you inhabit appreciate what it has done for you so far. Practice this vibrational frequency.
End of session.

Humans have been placed on this planet many times and many times their evolution has failed.
The first humans were very primitive nothing like you know as humans. They didn't resemble nothing like what thee humans now appear like. They didn't resemble anything like thee humans that now exist on thee planet. Thee first humans were docile beings they were very primitive. They did not survive. Thee second humans were more advanced but still did not survive thee hostile environment which surrounded them. Thee third humans were even more advanced but yet did not yet survive thee hostile environment either.
It took many tries for thee humans to be able to survive thee hostile environment in which you now live in. It took many tries for thee humans to be able to survive thee hostile environment.
Many many failed attempts. But then thee humans that now reside on thee planet are thee, descendants of thee, humans who were successful to survive in thee hostile environment in which it was placed in.

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