4.~ Cuddles

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Me and Jungkook met up at his room, i knocked twice and then, the door opened. I went inside and told Jungkook all of the Things Yoongi had just told me.

„Boy, you gotta use this chance! Just do it with him, and after that we'll tell everyone about it and you have plus points cause you did it with another person.", Jungkook said. „Good idea. I'm sure he'll trust me anyways. "He's so stupid and foolish, it'll be easy. Plus, we will have more to tease him with anyways.",I said.

It was the best idea me and Jungkook had in a long time, and maybe Yoongi is good at... it.
I haven't had good shit in a long time. Hopefully it's gonna be fun.

The reason I slept with Yoongi's sister was because I was needy for good... you know... but she wasn't good enough.

Yoongi's PoV:
I was so happy and so exited, that I haven't even noticed Namjoon walking in.

"Won't you say hello?",his voice said. I got startled and turned around quickly. "O-oh it's just you. Sorry, hi.", I said and went back to day dreaming.

"What are you doing?",Namjoon asked. "Thinking about someone...", I said. "About who? Is there someone I need to know about?",He asked in a playful tone, with a smirk on his face. "Oh it's only... MEANDJIMINAREDATINGANDHESSOCUTEANDILOVEHIMSOSOSOMUCHTHATSWHYIMTHINKINGQBOUTHIM.",I said. "Wow wow. Okay... so you and Jimin are dating?",Namjoon asked.

How could he even be able to understand?

"YEAH!", I said. "And you're thinking about hin because he is cute and you love him so much?",He asked. I nodded.

"Sweet. I have some great news too. I have seokjins phone number!",he said. "Woah that's great!"

We talked like that for another few minutes until we decided to go to bed. It was late already so we just locked the door, brushed our teeth, dressed up and went to bed.

I dreamed about Jimin, about what we might do after a few weeks of our relationship. About us going to dates and even getting married when we were old enough.

It was the best dream in my life, and I was so happy.

The next morning, me and Namjoon got ready. We went to two classes and then went to get lunch.

At lunch, Jimin was waiting for me in front of the door to our cafeteria. "Hey, Yoongi.",Jimin said. I smiled at him, and hugged him. "Hold my hand.",he said. "I mean, you have to anyway. It is part of your dare.", he added.

I took his hand and we went through the door, everyone looked at us, stares, whispers, giggles, laughs. It was more than i expected.

When we arrived at the table, Namjoon and I sat down next to each other, and Jimin sat down on the other side of next to me.
(A/n:What a weird sentence.) Under the table, we held hands and didn't let go off them.

Jimin's PoV:
I felt how Yoongis hand started sweating, so, the "loving boyfriend" I was, asked him what was going on with that.

"Yoongi, why is your hand sweating?",I whispered in his ear. "Because what if someone tells our parents about this?...", Yoongi said. "Why would that be a problem?", I asked. "Because my parents are very religious..."

'Yoongi's parents are religious? Oh well, they fucked up raising their kids, then.', I thought to myself.

"Why don't you just shit on your parents opinions?",i asked him. "Because they would fucking beat me up.", Yoongi said to me. "I won't let that happen, baby."

Yoongi's PoV:
I trusted jimin. I didn't know him for that long but he was my everything already. Since he said he will not let it happen, i stopped worrying.

Maybe I'll regret that but for now, I'm just happy to be with my boyfriend.

Jimin's PoV:
After lunch, we went to another few classes, this time together.

After them, we went to my dorm room and did some couple things.

"Jimin...", Yoongi said. "Let's do something that couples do."

He started kissing me, having to tip toe because i was slightly taller than him. I could hear his heart beating faster with every second.
His heart was beating so fast, it was loud.

"Yoongi what d-do you have in mind with 'couple things'",i asked him, interrupting the kiss. "I don't really know... kissing and cuddling?",he asked. "Cute.",i said.

It was cute. The way he just thought about such innocent things, and saying them out loud in his soft voice.

But this was not what my thoughts were supposed to be.

But they were.

Yoongi's PoV:
Jimin and I laid down on his bed and started kissing again. His soft, plump and pink lips against mine felt so good. It was like heaven.

His scent, his wonderful scent mixed with mine was a perfect combination. Everything seemed perfect in that moment.

Jimin then stopped kissing me and turned me around, he put his arm around my waist and we spooned. I really like being the little spoon, but it felt the best with Jimin.

Suddenly, Jeongguk came into Jimin's room.

"Hey jimin, how far did you c-",he stopped talking when he saw me, i don't know why.

"Oh hello, yoongi.",he said with a smirk on his face.

Jimin's PoV:
Oh god damn, Jeongguk was being so obvious. I could feel yoongi pushing himself away from
Me, a little.

"Yoongi what's wrong?",I asked him.

"Don't ask so stupidly.", Yoongi said. "Huh?"
"Well I was exited to have some time alone with you... You didn't even tell me that Jeongguk was coming over...", Yoongi said with a sad pout on his face.

"Yoonie, i didn't know either, okay?", I said. "Mhm. Couldn't you just have told him that I wanted to spend time with you, and not with him and you? Oof. I'm leaving.", Yoongi said, grabbing his things and running away.

What even is this.

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