Chapter 6

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The morning came too soon. You awoke feeling alert, despite not getting much sleep through the night. He was still fast asleep with his arm loosely strung around you. As you laid there, your eyes wandered around the room which you hadn't seen in the daylight. His apartment was clean, contemporary, white and black with little pops of colour and unique, obscure artwork positioned strategically across the walls. It wasn't really your style, but it felt very fitting for a wealthy icon.

Unfortunately, the morning sun also brought reality with it. Your night together was over, and you were now about to face every question you had ignored throughout the evening.

What time should I leave? Will we have breakfast? Is it going to be awkward? All I have to wear is my cocktail dress, what if someone sees me? Did anyone see us leave together? What will I say if someone did? How am I going to get home?

And, of course, the one question you really wanted answered, Am I ever going to see him again?

The night before had started as a primal urge for sexual pleasure - or, at least that's how it started for you - but it had ended on a sweet and affectionate note. Was that really because he wanted more? Did you even want more, or were you just caught up in the euphoria?

He began to stir beside you.

This is it, you thought to yourself. Time to begin paddling through the morning-after uncertainty. You heard him sigh deeply as he woke. After taking a moment to catch his bearings, he swept a few strands of your hair off your cheek and kissed you behind your ear. His palm ran softly down your arm until he reached your hand, which he clasped and pulled into your waist, wrapping himself around you and ultimately pulling your bodies closer together.

"Good morning," his lips brushed against your ear.

"Good morning."

"How are you feeling?" He kissed you just above the jaw.

You let out a contemplative sigh. "A little sore." Your response made him chuckle.

"Not too sore, I hope." He returned to your ear and gave it a nibble. He wanted a morning round. You were a little sore, but the prospect of closing out this chapter with goodbye sex was enough to overcome your tenderness. One last time in case this was the end.

"Nothing I can't handle," you said as you rolled over to face him. He smiled as he gave you a peck on the lips.

"Good. If I recall correctly, you don't have anything to do today, right?"

"Well... I don't have any specific appointments, but it is my day off so I had planned to do errands and stuff."

"Fuck 'em. I'll hire someone to do them for you. I want you to stay here in bed with me all day." The invitation was certainly tempting, if not near impossible to turn down. But you still had your reservations. You wanted to find out for sure if what he had been saying all night was true or if it was all a rouse to get you into bed. If he continued to be this attentive and sweet, you may actually fall for him over the course of 12 hours - then, not only would your pride be on the line, but your feelings as well.

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