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Omg! I hate Hannah! Oh... No wait. Hate isn't the word. I DESPISE HER! She is so stuck up and always thinks she better than me. While I know her day was happy and dandy, my morning was a total catastrophe! My mom fell down the stairs, my little brother broke the Pad, and I had to climb out of the window to catch the school bus.
Why do I hate Hannah? Well... Let's see. Where do I begin? She trips me in the hallways, she posts mean things on Classicon.... Oh... You don't know what Classicon is do you? It is kinda like Instagram. Anyway. She knocks down my books, she tells lies on me... I JUST DON'T LIKE HER!
Today I saw her sitting next to Danielle, who just so happened to be my best friend, and I threw a rock at her. Sadly, I missed.
"Oh... Hello Teresa." Hannah says in her annoying voice. "What's up!" I say in my most innocent voice. I then snarl at her. "Hey Teresa!" It's Danielle. "Oh... Hello, Danielle. I didn't see you there." I say.
"I'm throwing a party at my house. Wanna come?" Danielle says all chirpy. Hannah stares at her. Then mumbles something over her breath. "Really?" Danielle says in shock. I have no idea what Hannah said. Next thing you know, I hear Danielle say, "Never mind" and turns away. That was the last straw. You turned my friend against me, Hannah. You are going to pay. I made a vow right there and then. I will find a way to break her. No matter the challenges.

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