Ch. 1 - Quirk Manifesting

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     I had just finished middle school and I was getting ready to try and take the Entrance Exam to get into UA High. I suppose I wasn't getting ready to fulfill the role of actually taking the Entrance Exam, just going to get the paperwork to fill out the application to go to the Exam. I began to get optimistic about going to the school of every aspiring heroes dream. UA is the most pristine and prestigious hero academy known world wide, especially for the sports festival. I smiled a little remembering watching the sports festival every year with my parents..
     I sat at my table and set my keys next to me, hearing the familiar jingle of the keys hitting the wood. My thoughts began to wander about how my life would change if I actually ended up getting into the school. My thoughts stayed on a straight train of thought for a bit, but then it started to steer to the left. My mind went to a place that I tried for so long to get out of my head, but every now and again I would think about it. The memory of how my quirk manifested began to worm into my head like a parasite. It was more vivid than any other time I would think about it specifically.
     I was at a playground since my mom promised me she'd take me. I was playing with a small group of kids who were on the swings. One of the boys in the group proposed that we see who can go farther on the monkey bars, which of course we all agreed to. As we made our ways up, our little feet carrying us the way there I had a feeling. Something was gonna happen and I felt it in my gut. My little naive mind didn't pay much mind to it though, so I continued along.
     As everyone was trying to make their way across it was my turn. There were still some kids behind me, and the ones that finished were in a line across the sides of the bars. My little hand held onto it, and I swung myself across, bar after bar my hands were loosing grip. I was close to the middle when it ruefully happened. My hands slipped off and I fell, but as I was beginning to let out a shout something caught me before I could hit the ground.
     It knocked the wind out of me. I didn't hear my shout, but I heard the kids around me shout. My eyes that were drilled shut, opened when I heard an air piercing shriek from a girls mouth. She was pointing at me. I was being held up by a strange cloud of spiraling blue fire with navy blue smoke whisping around it.
      "Mooooom!!" I heard another voice shriek as more of the other kids started crying. Even though I was young, I still remember that feeling of guilt, remorse, fear, and anxiety pierce my heart like a stake driven through a vampire. There was a little girl propped up on a post sitting on the ground bleeding. It wasn't enough blood to be life threatening but it was enough to concern almost all the parents at the park who tended to her, until her mother took her to the hospital.
     I don't remember much that had happened after that because it was fuzzy after that girl left. But the feeling of fear, and the look of fear on those kids faces was enough to haunt me to this day. I clenched my fist and shook myself out of whatever horrible vivid nightmare I put myself through tonight. 'Crap' I thought to myself noticing it was already getting dark outside. 'Whatever I can just go tomorrow'
     I shrugged it off, and went upstairs to take a shower. When I finished showering I looked around the empty and solemn house I was in. My parents were out on a business trip and said I can stay. I sighed, and walked over to my room after making sure all the windows and doors were locked.
     I rubbed my face trying to get rid of my stressed expression, but to no avail it stayed on. I turned off my lamp after organizing everything and dropping my keys back into their respective place. I tiredly flopped onto the bed, within minutes I immediately fell asleep from being worn down all day.
~ Thank you sm for reading, lovelies.. Im a rather new writer so im sorry if this isn't as good as some of the other ff out there! If you'd like you can suggest ideas for future chapters down below! Tysm, byee ~
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