II | The Sword of Amor

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Pushing away the royal guards, the Sword of Amor barged into the King's feast. Trembling a little as his eyes flickered from left to right, only to realize that the King was accompanied by his loyal guardians and knights including Ed, Merlin, Sagon and Lurke. The atmosphere changed as soon as Flurkin stepped into the chamber.

With candles around the corner and the shining rays of sunlight, the atmosphere was welcoming, not to Flurkin however. It was a small chamber with paintings of the previous Kings hung all over the walls. An ancient wooden table was directly in the middle, filled with traditional pies and bread. 

Breaking the ice with his authority, the King of Amor, Myras Auburn spoke, "What's the matter, Flurkin?" An unpleasant frown soon followed up on his face. Everyone in the castle knew that it was rude to interrupt a feast, especially the King's. 

Sevi Flurkin knelt before his King as he greeted, "Your Majesty. Sorry to interrupt the feast, I have news ---"

"Why don't you join us, Flurkin?" Offering the Sevi, the King noticed that he had missed him out from the feast but didn't feel any remorse. Sevi, a title granted by the King himself was meant to be honored, but it didn't seem to be the case for Flurkin Venetian.

"Your Majesty, we...." His words rebelled and choked him hard as if it was not meant to be said.

"Come on, spit it." commanded the King, as he placed his apple pie carefully onto his plate.

"We have a prisoner." Flurkin hesistantly muttered a reply.

"And? What sort of a prisoner would bring you to interrupt my meal?"

"A... Bloodcrawler...."

"Did you just say a bloodcrawler? Very funny, Flurkin! I never knew you still had humor inside that hollow shell of yours."

"Your Majesty, ---"

"Whatever that it is, take Merlin's men if you need to ---"

"There's a bloodcrawler... in Amor." Flurkin intervened with his amplified voice, though retracting his volume at the end as he tried not to appear disrespectful.

King Myras stared at his Sevi for a brief moment. Without another word, he ordered Sevi Flurkin to bring the prisoner to the conference hall right away. The noon break came to an abrupt end as the knights swiftly left the chamber with curiosity.

Servants and royal guards rushed in and out the castle hallways as the King demanded to see the creature. With the speed of a grey pigeon, Flurkin marched briskly across the corridor of the King's Great Hall with a mysterious caged creature behind him. No, it was not familiar to the Amorian knights as they glanced towards the direction of his growl. The caged creature with ember eyes held tightly onto the bars as he stared into the souls of men.

Flurkin Venetian guided the knights towards the Great Hall. The hallway was filled with carvings of battlefield all over on the pillars. The history of warfare between kingdoms was carved to remind the Amorian knights to stay humble for their lasting peace. Despite the wonderful carvings, they never caught Flurkin's attention. 

Although granted the title of The Sword of Amor, Flurkin was not important in the eyes of others. He was no longer that honorable brave knight since that faithful day when he refused to avenge the death of his comrade. His robust physique, his ghostly agility and his battle scars on the war field no longer mattered.

As the knights behind him picked up the pace, Flurkin avoided visual contacts with the royal guards. He knew men were astounded by the creature but he was not ready to answer to their questions just yet. Flurkin's grey cloak tangled itself within the winds as the sound of his sabaton clanked against the smooth floor. 

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