Chapter Nine

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It took me four days to gather up the willpower to visit Christina in the hospital after my birthday.

I was still wearing my suit and mask. It was the only thing I had that wasn't covered in blood and warm. Besides, I couldn't go around teleporting in broad daylight without something protecting my identity.

Christina was wide awake when I teleported beside her. I glanced around the hospital room. Besides her, it was empty. Her skin was ghost white and circles so dark they were almost purple. When her eyes landed on me, rage slowly started to fill them. Her nose twitched, a sure sign she was about to blow up.

"You left me here all alone. You weren't even here when I woke up. It's been four days. I could've died."

"I should've have been here." I closed my eyes. "I know I should have been here."

"Oh! Well, guess what?! I'm not going to be able to fucking walk anymore, Maria!"

My eyes widened as hers filled with unshed tears. "You...What?"

"You heard me," she whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks. She looked completely drained of energy, more exhausted than me and I hadn't slept in three days.

What does this mean for us? What does this mean for her? Her entire life is ruined now. It's ruined because of me, isn't it? This is my fault. Joe Parisi shot her because of me.

I swallowed passed a lump in my throat. "I'm so sorry."

Her voice cracked. "Why didn't you pick me over Gareth? Why didn't you come sooner?"

"I was afraid. I couldn't choose between the two of you."

Christina's eyes turned cold. "But we both know if Katrina was there instead of me, you would have chose her."

Is that true? No!

...Yes. I would've picked Katrina over Gareth.

"I...I'm sorry-"


I started crying too. "I never wanted this to happen, Christina."

"It doesn't matter what you wanted to happen. What matters is what did happen and what you didn't do."

"What do you want me to do?"

Christina's voice was hoarse and barely audible after yelling. "I fucking hate you. I never would have left you. I would've been there for you. You're a coward."

"I know I am." It was true and I couldn't deny it.

Part of me knew half of Christina's anger came from all the pain. In her eyes, her life was over and she needed somebody to blame. I didn't want her to blame herself, so I let her blame me. It was my fault anyway. I deserved it.

"I love you."

"Get out." Her voice was barely above a whisper but it contained a harshness I'd never heard before. I wished she screamed at me instead.

I turned away.

"Don't you dare come back later," Christina added. "I never want to see you again. No wonder Katrina fucking left. NOBODY CAN STAY AROUND YOU AND MAKE IT OUT OKAY!"

I blinked back the tears. I'd already spent so much time crying that I just couldn't do it anymore. I was too exhausted to put up a fight and work it out with Christina. I could have if I stayed. She was testing me.

But I didn't stay.

I teleported back into the alleyway.

This is it. There's nobody left. Katrina left, then Gareth. Now Christina hates me. I don't have anywhere to go. I don't have anybody to turn to. I'm all alone.

I read somewhere once that anybody who abandons you teaches you how to stand on your own feet. That's bullshit. The only thing it teaches you is to stop trusting people because everybody is a liar. You can't even trust yourself.

In that moment, I knew it was gone. That last little fragment of hope I had that I could still turn my life around and become a better person.

That's when I met Menace.

Literally. She was standing right behind me.

I turned around and came face to face with a girl in a red suit. I shrieked and jumped back.

Her gloves, heels, and mask were all black. The mask was the best part of her suit in my opinion. It had lenses to conceal the redhead's identity.

I glanced at her utility belt, then back to where her eyes would be.

This must be Menace. What's her ability again? Manipulating emotions or something?

"A little jumpy there, Fade," Menace said in a tone that made my stomach churn.

I took another step back, then forced myself to stop.

Stop letting her know you're afraid of her. Come on, you tower over her. She's not that intimidating.

"You're either Menace or an overzealous cosplayer," I commented, eyeing her up and down. "What do you want?"

She smirked. "I was looking for you. I guess it's fate telling me it was meant to be, the fact you teleported right in front of me."

"What was meant to be?"

"I'm looking for a partner. I know you and Impact are a thing, but I'm a thousand times better than him."

"No, our partnership is over," I admitted before tilting my head. "Why me?"

"You can teleport. I need a getaway. Plus, it would be nice to know I had someone watching my back."

I narrowed my eyes. "Why should I trust you?"

Menace's grin widened. "You're smarter than you look. You shouldn't trust me. I'm a supervillain. You're a supervillain. Neither of us are trustworthy."

Right. That's right. I'm a supervillain. How come I forgot that for a second?

I held out my hand, my decision already made. I was out of options. It wasn't like I had to worry about anybody's safety anymore, and I hardly cared about my own. I still didn't have a way to eat that didn't require money.

Impact is gone. Partnering up with Menace would be the smart choice. Especially since I potentially have people from Joe Parisi's gang who wanted me dead.

Menace didn't shake my hand. "Before I either of us agree to this, we should give it a test run."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you remember the first store you robbed with Impact?" Menace asked. "That grocery store around the corner?"


"I'm saying we should see how well we work together. So, we'll meet there on Monday at noon."

I forced myself to smile even though I felt nothing. "I can't wait."

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