Summer and Winter

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Okay like I said today. Here is Season Humans


Winter is a girl with a mask to the cover her mouth from coughing out snowflakes, a way to tell it is snowing (SINCE HUMANS ARE A**HOLE)

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Winter is a girl with a mask to the cover her mouth from coughing out snowflakes, a way to tell it is snowing (SINCE HUMANS ARE A**HOLE). She is very quiet and doesn't talk a lot. She is hated by mostly everyone since she ruins a lot of things. Winter loves Summer but she won't say anything. Her family is Christmas Day/Eve(Brother is Day, sister is Eve), New Years Day(Brother), and Hanukkah(Brother).


Summer is the cool kid because he is summer who doesn't like him? (Don't answer that) Summer loves Winter so when someone talks sh*t about her in front of him he punches them

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Summer is the cool kid because he is summer who doesn't like him? (Don't answer that) Summer loves Winter so when someone talks sh*t about her in front of him he punches them. Summer wears a shirt that means nothing to him since Winter feels bad for the ice cube. His face changes when it cloudy, rainy, or sunny in the summer or when he is mad, sad or happy. Summer has a few nicknames like Sun, Sum Dude, and Sunglasses(he likes this since winter gave it to him). Summer flirts with Winter alot and enjoys hanging out with her. Siblings are Four of July(Brother), Cino de Mayo(Brother), Summer Solstice (Brother).

Fall and Spring are next and they are assholes to Winter. You will see why soon.

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