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1. ThisPandaChick
2. Yeah done in a few hours

1. Me is stupid
2. I can't spell works right
3. I read smut-
4. I am a high schooler
5. I hate people who think England is Britain/United Kingdom/Great Britain. F*ck all of you that do not know the difference.
6. I have a playlist for me too when I am sad. (Just sad songs)
7. I hate Math now
8. When I was young I kissed a boy
9. I don't know
10. I am going to be a YouTuber.

4. One person not 28 OffcialBurgerKing
5. F*cking Nah
6. No, it take too long.
7. Which one? One will have smut and another will have Human Seasons/Holidays.
8. I did now one more rule for you f*cker.
9. Annoy someone you hate and love(On this app and tell me who)

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