Scenario (RT) 6

17 3 10

Sup hello I have back with another so here.

You are walking in a garden. It's a beautiful on in fact you are getting some flowers. But then you are something. Something is near and ready to kill. What do you do?

A. Run (Flowers in hand)

B. Stay

C. Turn around

You pick [C].

You turn around to see a giant beast with a pure white woman trying to tame it. The beast is 10 times the size of the woman. The woman has a whip but doesn't use it. What do you do?

A. Run off (You are too scared to help out).

B. You Run to the woman and get her away from the beast.

C.  You run to the woman and ask her what going on.

D. You go to the beast and pet it because it looks scared.

E. You do something else than these options.

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