Chapter Two

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Kristy's POV

I wake up on a couch in a living room I don't recognize and my anxiety kicks in hyper drive, last thing I remember was playing with hunter for hours and then sitting on the bench talking to Kaleb and Konrad. I quickly get up looking around my unknown surroundings, it looks like whoever lives here has taste, everything is white with small splashes of grey and black, I look out the window and I notice it's nightime, I feel around looking for my phone and it's nowhere to be found, I walk around and find myself in a kitchen where I find my phone charging on the kitchen island. I grab my phone and I look at time time - 3:24 am. Holy fuck I've been asleep for some time. I continue my search and that's when I hear the pitter patter of feet running up behind me, I spin around to look at who was approaching me

Kristy: "holy fuck hunter, you scared me... wait if you're here then that means this is Kaleb's and Konrads house, omg they kidnapped me."

Hunter: "WOOF!"

Kristy: "shhhhh hunter quiet I know I'm happy to see you too but you gotta be quiet before anyone wa-"

My rant to the dog was cut short by the lights in the kitchen turning on, I jump from the sudden shine of light filling the room.

Konrad: "I knew you were awake I could hear you stomping around down here"

Kristy: "please don't hurt me I'll give you money I won't tell anyone what happened we can work something out"

I watch as Konrad chuckles to himself, he takes a few steps towards me which causes me to shuffle back maintaining a safe distance, he puts up his hands in a defensive manner but continues walking up to me until I'm pressed against what I'm guessing is the refrigerator from the cool metal against my skin, he gently holds my arms and moves some of my hair behind my ear

Konrad: "shhhh it's okay princess, I'm not gonna hurt you okay? Come, let's sit in the couch and I'll explain why you're here, okay?"

His soft voice causes me to soften up a bit, I nod reluctantly and follow behind him, keeping my head down not wanting to upset him

Konrad: "Here sit."

He pats the cushion beside him and I sit down, trying to maintain some space, Hunter comes and sits on the ground next to me placing his head in my lap

Kristy: "w-why am I here?"

Konrad: "well, what do you last remember?"

Kristy: "I-I remember playing with hunter and then we sat on the bench and talked for a while and then I don't remember"

I scrunch my nose trying to recall what happened after but nothing is coming to mind

Konrad: "well, let me rejog your memory. After you played with hunter you came and sat down with us because you got tired and needed a break, and after about 5 minutes of talking you fell asleep on Kaleb's shoulder, we didn't know where you lived so we brought you back here for the night"

Kristy: "y-you carried me to your home?"

Konrad: "well duh, we didn't bring our car to the park when we live next door"

Knowing how close to home I was helped relieve the anxiety from my chest. And I began to soften up with a yawn escaping my lips

Konrad: "would you like to finish your sleep in a bed? We didn't wanna freak you out more so that's why we put you on the couch, but you can come and sleep in my room if you'd like, hunter usually sleeps on the floor with me"

Kristy: "o-oh okay I guess..."

I don't know why I'm agreeing to sleep in a strangers bed, but a bed would be 100x better than the uncomfortable couch I was sleeping on, I notice Konrads smiling which makes me happy, we walk together to his room and he passes me one of his T-shirt's

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